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I take my led lights off my room and look around. It's the last thing I need to pack. I was sad to be leaving.

But I know I'll still be friends them. Savannah was going back to Texas, Charlie was going back to his hometown, and Owen's going to Oklahoma.

As for me, back to Los Angeles. I was going back to my mom, dad, and Cameron. Even though my dad isn't Cameron's, my dad treats him like a son.

Whenever my brother was born, his dad ran out on him. So my mom met my dad, got married, and popped me out a few years later.

I've missed my dad. I've missed them all honestly. I was happy to be seeing them again. I pack my led lights in and look at my room.

There's so many memories in here. I was gonna miss this room. "Taking everything in?" Sav asked as I turned to her.

I smiled at her weakly as I look at her. "Yeah, it's weird not having everything in here." I admit. She came up to me and looked at around it.

"I'm gonna miss this little apartment." She sighed. I agree as I take a deep breath. I had Owen's cream hoodie in my hand.

"I better make sure Owen's packed." I tell her as she nodded. I go down to the boys apartment for one of the last times.

Charlie was strumming on his guitar as I walked in. When I walk into Owen's room, he's zipping his suitcase.

"Hey." I softly grab his attention. He looks at me and moves his hair out of his face. "Hey. I think I'm ready on time for once." He joked making me laugh.

"Trying to get away from me so fast?" I joke with him. "Of course not." He comes over to me and looks down at my hands.

"Is that my hoodie?" He asked looking back up at me. I was stumbling for words. "Yeah, I uh. I figured you wanted it back."

He furrows his eyebrows as the ends of his mouth curve up. "Why would I want it back?" He asked me.

"Because it's your favorite." I tell him softly. "You can keep it if you want." I shook my head towards him.

"I already have two of your hoodies. Plus I might've sprayed my perfume on it so it can smell like me." I shrug towards him.

He smiles as he takes it. "I'm going to miss the fuck out of you, pip squeak." He came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"I'm going to miss you too, amore." I say into his chest. We stand there for a while, fully embracing each other.

That is until I hear someone clear their throat. I pull away and look to see Charlie. "It's time we go to the airport." Charlie sadly informed us.

We nodded as he walks away. "I'll see you down at the car." I tell him as he nods. I go up to my apartment and grab my bags.

Savannah and I looked at the apartment one last time before walking out. My heart ached thinking of all the memories.

Hopefully I'll be in this apartment again. We took a deep breath and walked out. We walk down to the parking lot to see them packing their stuff up.

I was going to be riding with Owen while Sav was going to be riding with Charlie. It was going to be weird riding separate.

But they have to take their cars back to the rental place. We packed our stuff up and looked at each other.

We drive to the airport and take the cars back. We go through all the security measures and sit in the airport, waiting for our planes.

I hated it. It made my nerves ten times worse. I guess Owen noticed and grabbed onto my hand to calm me down.

"Flight three-oh-seven to Houston, now boarding." We heard over the speakers. Savannah sighed and stood up.

Charlie was the first one to hug her. They whispered a goodbye as she looked at Owen. He lets go of my hand to hug her.

They embrace each other longer than her and Charlie. "Message any time. I'm here for you." She tells him.

He nods as he they pull away. And then she looked at me. Tears formed my eyes as we hugged each other.

"Thanks for being the best big sister I've ever had." I cry into her arms. "Bestfriends for life. We're gonna see each other again soon." She tells me.

I pull away to see she's crying too. She waves at us one last time and walks towards her plane. We all watch her walk away.

"I can't believe she left me with you two." I joke to try to ease the tension. "You're so mean." Charlie pouted as he sat back down.

We all wait together for a little bit longer. And then it was Charlie's turn. He hugged Owen first. I figured they would.

I wait and let them hug each other. He then looks over towards me. "Get over here, loser." He opens his arms wide.

I go into the hug and take everything in. Even though we spent most of the time making fun and picking on each other, I loved him.

He didn't show it often, but he truly cared for me. He became a brother to me in just a few months.

"I'm gonna miss picking on you, maple syrup." I say into his chest. I could feel him laugh as he pulled away to look at me.

"I'll make it up to you whenever I see you again." He promised. We look at each other and sigh. He waves and starts to walk away.

Owen's flight was next. And I was absolutely dreading it. He rubbed my thumb to help calm me down.

But when I heard his flight being called, I almost lost it. "Come here pip squeak." He said while standing up.

I go into his arms, and take in his scent one last time. "I'm gonna miss you." He told me as I sighed.

I was trying really hard to not cry. "I'm gonna miss you too." I say into his chest. He's my anchor, what am I supposed to do?

"Thank you for being there for me. All my panic attacks and sadness." He told me. I couldn't help but tear up.

I look up at him to see tears in his eyes. "I don't wanna say goodbye." My voice was breaking as I talked.

"This isn't a goodbye. It's a see you later." He wipes my tears as they call for his plane one last time.

"See you later, Eren." He sniffled as I did too. "See you later, Owen." And before I knew it, I was watching my world walk away.

I watched him until he was fully gone. I wipe my eyes as I suck my tears in. I never thought it was going to hurt this much.

I sit down and wait for my plane to be called. After about an hour, they called my plane. I show them my ticket and get on.

I find my seat and sit by the window. I wait for everyone to board as I sit in silence. I look over to see two guys my age come up.

I guess they were twins because they looked almost identical. The one looked at me and lightly smiled.

He sat next to me, his twin sitting on the other side of him. I looked away so I wouldn't be staring.

But the guy next to me cleared his throat causing me to look at him. He was looking at me with his chocolate eyes.

"Hi. I'm Kyle."

•end of prequel book•

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