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These few days without Owen are super long. It's weird not being with the person who keeps me sane.

Everyone had left earlier tonight, and it kinda made me sad. I missed them once they left, but I'll be seeing them tomorrow.

I think tomorrow on set, they're trying to do the scenes with Jadah and Julie. Plus a scene with Charlie.

Owen told me how him, Jeremy, and Booboo were super hungover and sick so they're taking Monday off.

I was kinda upset I had to wait another day to see him, but if he's getting rest then it's okay.

Monday morning when Sav and I got done getting ready, we went to the lobby of our complex.

We were riding with Charlie to the set. When we got to the lobby, I saw the Canadian. "Charlie!" I squeal.

Even though he's annoying ninety percent of the time and we pick on each other the other ten, I've missed him.

I run over to him and give him a big hug. "I've missed you, maple syrup." I tell him honestly as he rolls his eyes.

I pull away causing him to hug Savannah. "How was boys weekend?" I ask making conversation.

"It was great. You should've been there. I don't think I've ever seen Owen get that drunk before." He laughed as he got into the car.

We follow along as I pout. I wish I could've been there. To watch over him. But he's here safe and that's all that matters.

"Eren, he wouldn't stop talking about you." He teased as I rolled my eyes. "I hope you didn't tell him anything." I think out loud.

He makes a face at me as he starts to drive. "I may be stupid, but I'm not an idiot." He tried to tell me.

I huff as I look out the window. "Whatever you say, Gillespie." We get to set on time for once.

We all end up making our separate ways. We have to rehearse and go over our scenes with the actor playing Carrie's dad.

And once I'm done with that, I have to go to the Hollywood Ghost Club set to help with the Nothing to Lose dance scene.

We haven't started filming for that episode yet, but I told Paul and Kenny I would help them with it.

Today was kinda boring without Owen here. I honestly miss him like crazy. By the time we were done, they got almost everything done that they wanted.

When we get to the apartment complex, I leave on Charlie's floor.

I wanted to check on Owen. He hasn't messaged for a while so I wanted to make sure he's still alive.

When we get to their apartment, Charlie sits his bag down.

"I'm gonna shower." He informs me. I nod as I look at Owens bedroom door.

It was open so I went in quietly. He was facing the door, curled up in a ball. He didn't look too good.

I was happy to see him though. I took a step in and he looked at me. I guess he was awake.

"Hey, I didn't know you were coming." He smiled brightly at me.

He got off the bed and rushed over to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, fully embracing this hug.

These couple of days have felt like months. "I was only gone for three days." He chuckles a little as he slithers his arms around my waist.

"I know, I just missed my best friend." I admit. I'll be honest, I had some separation anxiety from him.

When I pull away, I look at him up and down. My hands travel down his arms and find their way to his hands.

He laces our fingers together which causes electricity to run through them.

"How're you feeling?" I ask curiously. "Better now that you're here." He smiled at me.

"Can I stay with you tonight?" I ask with hope in my voice.

His face turned lightly red as he nodded. "Of course. I'll grab some clothes for you." He removes his hands, which makes me sad.

He looks through his drawers and pulls out sweats and a hoodie.

"I'll walk out. Tell me when you're done." He messed up my hair and walked out.

As he walked out, I couldn't help but feeling sad. We were wrapping up filming soon.

I really didn't want to leave these people that I've grown attached to. Especially Owen. He'll be going to Oklahoma for a while to be with family.

I'm terrified of us falling apart. I've grown so attached to him over these past few months.

I change into his clothing and flop onto his bed. He walked back in, noticing my sudden mood change.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He rushed over to me. I turn to him as I sigh. He has worry washed all over his face.

"I just don't want this to end." I tell him honestly. He frowns as he looks at me.

"Like what?" He asked trying to help. "Like, this whole thing. I don't want to quit filming and I don't want to stop talking to you." I let it out.

We only have a couple more weeks left. I just can't believe how fast this has went. He looked at me softly.

He sat up and patted the spot next to him. I scoot closer to him and cuddle into his side. "I'm not going anywhere." He promised.

"We'll talk everyday. You can't get rid of me." He half joked.

I looked up at his face to see it really soft. "I'm with you until the end of the line." He told me.

I couldn't help but melt into him. There wasn't anyone like him. No one has made me feel like the way he does.

He starts rubbing my hair to make me feel better. "Thank you, Owen." I smile even though he can't see it.

"Anything for you." He rubbed my back. I wish I could tell him my feelings. But I don't want to ruin anything between us.

It's so perfect the way it is. And what if he doesn't like me back? I detach myself from him and look at him.

He still looked a little bit rough. I move the hair out of his face causing him to look calm.

"Let's get some rest. You're looking rough." He nods his head as we get comfortable under his blankets.

I turn my back towards him and close my eyes. I felt two arms slither around me and pull me closer to him.

I let out a giggle as he pulls me closer. I'm gonna miss this when we finish filming.

But right now, I'm gonna take in.

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