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I wake up the next morning feeling refreshed. It's finally Friday.

I turn my alarm off as I look at the time. Seven on the dot. I don't hear anything from Savannah's room so I decided to hop in the shower.

Once I'm done, I blow dry my hair and put it in a pony tail. I on a sports bra with matching leggings.

I put on my black Nike shoes and put my phone in my pocket of my leggings. "You ready?" Savannah asked me with a smile on her face.

I nodded my head as I stand up. I grab my bag of snacks, waters, and extra things. We walk down to their apartment.

We let ourselves in to see Charlie sitting on his couch, wide awake. "Hey, how you doin?" He asked with a light smirk.

I looked around and didn't see Owen anywhere. "Where's the blonde?" I ask. "Asleep still. He wouldn't budge." I groan.

Owen always makes us late because he enjoys staying up too late. "I'll go wake him up." I tell the two.

"Thanks, Eren!" I hear Charlie yell at me. I go to Owen's door to see it cracked. I lightly push it to see him asleep on his bed.

He was facing his wall, curled up in a ball. Would it be wrong for me to think he looks cute?

I shake the thought out of my head as I go over to him. I shake him, and Charlie's right.

He won't budge. I sigh as I take my backpack off. There's only one thing I can think of. I take a step or two back and jump up.

I land right on him causing him to groan. "What the fuck?" He groaned as I rolled off him. He looks at me with his tired eyes.

"You slept in, hot dog." I tease him with the nickname. He scrunches his nose over at me. "You know I don't like that." He pouts.

"Yeah, but I'm gonna need you on set to keep me sane." I tell him.

I laid there, and looked into his blue eyes. "Give me ten minutes. And don't call me hot dog again." He sits up causing me to do the same.

"I'll think of something better." I tell him as he smiles lightly at me.

I walk out of his room so he can change to find Charlie and Savannah on the couch. They watch me walk in as I flop on the empty couch.

"He'll be ready in ten minutes." I inform them. Charlie let's out a sigh of relief.

"I don't know how you do it." Charlie huffed. I just shrug as I wait with them. After ten minutes, the blonde walked in here.

He had Adidas joggers on with his favorite cream sweatshirt. His hat, which is on backwards, and his fanny pack sealed the deal.

"Finally, we're gonna be late." Savannah said as we got off the couch.

Owen shrugged as we started walking. "Wouldn't be the first time." Owen chuckled a little bit. Owen drives us to set.

We surprisingly got there with a few minutes to spare. We put our stuff in our trailers and make way to set.

Owen, Charlie, and Savannah have to do vocal warm ups while I go with the dancers to stretch.

When they first did the vocal warms up, I was surprised to see Charlie taking it seriously. I thought it would be Madi or Jeremy.

When we were done stretching, they were done with their warm ups. "Charlie, Madi, and Eren. Can I talk to you three?" Paul asked.

Kenny was standing with him so I was nervous. I look to the two to see them excited. Okay, looks like good news.

I walk over to the two and we all make a group circle. "Eren, we need your help." Kenny had hope in his voice.

"What's up?" I ask crossing my arms. "So, Charlie and Madi wrote a song for the show and there's gonna be a dance routine for it." Kenny explained.

I look at them with my eyebrows raised. So that's where they've been sneaking off to.

Kenny explained how the song was going to be all in Julie's head and she's supposed to be dancing with Nick, but imagines it with Luke.

I look at them shockingly as they tell me they want me to learn a dance for it by this time next week.

So any free time I get, it's gonna be wrapped around learning this dance.

"What's it called?" I asked happily. "Perfect Harmony." Paul told me making me smile.

"I'll do it." I smile towards them. Kenny smiled as he looked at me.

I was worried they wouldn't need me much today since they're wrapping up the Hollywood Ghost Club scene.

Yesterday they focused on the dance numbers and today they're focusing on the scenes where they're talking to each other.

"Okay, go get in costume Charlie. We have a big day. You too, Mads. We're doing the ending scene to episode five today." Kenny explained.

We all broke away, going out separate ways. "If you want, we can meet up in the dance studio and I'll play the demo of the song." Paul explained.

I nodded as I walked over towards Owen. "What was that about?" He asked curious. He stuck his hands in his pockets as we walked.

"I'm helping Paul choreograph the duet with Charlie and Madi." I smile up at him.

He grins widely at me, his blue eyes sparkling. "I see you. Congrats, pip squeak." I look at him confused because of the random nickname.

"Pip squeak?" I ask with a light smile. "Yeah, cause you're short." He joked. I roll my eyes as I lightly laugh.

I lightly push him as he laughs loudly. "What? It's better than hot dog." He objected. He did have a point.

"Go get into character. I have a dance to choreograph." I joke. "I'll see you at lunch, pip squeak." I roll my eyes as I walk away from him.

I couldn't help but smile, so I bit my lip. "I know you're smiling!" Owen yelled making my face go red.

I flip him off as I heard a light chuckle. I go into the studio where we learned all the other dance routines.

Paul had somehow beat me in here so he was doing some stretches.

I sit my bag down causing him to look over at me. He smiles when he looks over at me. "You ready?" He asked with hope in his voice.

I nodded. I was excited to learn this. I wasn't gonna be able to film again until next Thursday when we do the All Eyes On Me dance.

I was beyond excited. But I was more excited to do the dance with Owen.

I'm so happy I met him.

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