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I giggle as I get into Booboo's car. He didn't have too much to drink knowing he had to drive.

Owen and I decided to ride with him so they can have their own room. Owen sat in the front as I laid in the back.

I was probably more drunk than Owen. "You okay back there, Eren?" Booboo asked as I giggled. "I'm perfect." I tell the two.

I stared at the ceiling as Booboo starts to drive. "Why are you going so fast?" I ask as I sit up. "I'm only going fifty." He laughed at me.

The world was spinning whenever he drove but I didn't let it get to me. Booboo dropped us off at the apartment complex.

Owen got out of the car as I laid there. My car door opened up as I looked at him. "Come on, Eren."

I sit up and try to get up, but I can't. "I forgot how to move my legs." I laugh. Owen sighs as he bends over.

"Come on. I'll help you." Owen reached his hands out. "Owen, do you want my help?" I hear Booboo ask from the front of the car.

"Yeah." Before I knew it, they had their arms around me. They took me to my apartment, and Savannah was already asleep.

They sit me on my bed as I lay down. "You going to be okay?" Booboo asked concerned. I nod my head as they look at me.

They sigh as they tell me goodbye. I lay there for a while and find the strength to get changed. I put on a t-shirt and leggings.

I lay in bed for what seems like forever. But I can't sleep. I feel sad all of a sudden. I start thinking about Cameron.

I didn't think it'll be this hard being away from my older brother. I get out of my bed and leave the apartment.

I go down the next floor and go inside the apartment. Jeremy was passed out on the couch and I could hear Owens tv on.

I went to his room and knocked on his door. "Charlie, I don't care about the food you made." I heard him from the other side of the door.

"It's not Charlie." I heard footsteps as he came over and a tall blonde open the door. He had basketball shorts on and he was shirtless.

"You okay?" He asked looking down at me. "I'm drunk and sad, can I come inside?" I slur. I wasn't as drunk as earlier.

He nodded his head so I walk in. I flop on his bed as I look at him. He looked so good and he does it effortlessly.

"What's wrong, pip squeak?" He asked sitting on his bed. I move closer to him and lay my head on his lap.

He starts running his fingers through my red hair, causing me to smile. "I just really miss my family. And Noel and Ethan."

I pout thinking about it. He takes a deep breath as he continues to run his fingers through my hair.

"I'm sorry, Eren. Is there anything I can do?" He asked softly. I can hear the sadness in his voice. I turn over and look up at him.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I ask, hoping he would say yes. There's just something about him that makes me feel safe.

He nodded as he looked at me. "Of course." He smiled. He was now soothing the top of my head.

"Thank you, amore." I smile up at him. He looks at me and turns his tv off. "Let's get some rest. You're gonna be feeling hungover tomorrow."

We curl up in his bed, and I slowly fall asleep on his chest. I loved falling asleep next to him, and I've gotten used to it.

I feel attached to Owen. Like I could tell him anything and I knew he would never judge me. Don't get me wrong, I trust Charlie and Sav too.

It's just different with Owen. He understands me. Even though I miss the shit out of my family, I'm happy I met these people.

When I wake up, I was alone in Owen's bed. My head was pounding and it was freezing in the room.

I look around and find one of his sweatshirts on his floor. I shrug as I put it on. I can hear a guitar strumming from the living room.

I go in there to see Charlie strumming on the guitar. He looks at me smirks. "Where's Owen?" I ask sitting next to him.

"Him and Jer went to get donuts. You missing your boyfriend?" Charlie teased. I gave him a dirty look as he had a smug look.

"He's not my boyfriend." I tell him, even though it hurts a little. "Is that why you have his sweatshirt on?" He asked as I turned red.

He noticed I had turned red and chuckled at me. "It's freezing in his room." I make an excuse. I mean it was freezing, but I wanted to wear it.

"That's his favorite so let's see what he says." I roll my eyes as I get comfortable. The hoodie smelt like him.

I look at him to see him lightly playing Perfect Harmony. "Charlie, why aren't you in a relationships?" I ask curious.

He thinks about it for a second. "I don't think I found the one just yet." He admitted. "I'm only twenty one though, I have time." He shrugged.

"This isn't about me though. This is about you liking Owen." I rolled my eyes. He's making my headache ten times worse.

"I don't like Owen. And even if I did, he only sees me as a friend." I whisper the last part. But I know he heard me.

He was looking at me like he knew something I didn't. Before I could say anything, the door opens.

"How is Jar Jar better than Chewie?" Jeremy asked walking inside. I look at the two boys confused.

Owen looks at me causing him to smile and soften up. "When did you wake up?" He asked sitting the donuts down.

"Not too long ago." I respond. He then looks between us. "What were you two talking about?" Owen asked.

I was hoping and praying Charlie wouldn't say anything. "We were just gossiping in here." I look down at my hands.

They were in the sleeves of Owens hoodie since it was too big on me. Owen comes over with a hopeful look on his face.

"Can I know the gossip?" My heart jumped in my chest. Please don't say anything. "I wanna know too." Jeremy joined from the kitchen.

I gave Charlie a sideways glance. He looked at Owen with a smirk. "I don't kiss and tell." I let go of the breath I didn't know I was holding.

I smile to myself, thankful that Charlie didn't tell him. It makes me appreciate him even more. Owen pouts but quickly smiles.

"I'm eating a donut, you dork." Charlie put his guitar to the side and gets up off the couch. I look at Owen to see him moving towards me.

"How's your head?" He asked. I look at him strangely. "How do you know my head hurts?" I ask questionably.

"Your head always hurts when you're hungover. I pay attention." I almost melted hearing him say he pays attention.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't blushing. "My head is hurting pretty bad." I admit to him. He looks at me softly as he stands up.

"Let's go eat and take some medicine." I follow him towards the kitchen as he looks at me up and down.

"Is that my hoodie?" He asked with a little smile. I nodded as I blushed. "Yeah, but if you want it back you can have it back." I tell him.

We go into the kitchen causing the two boys to look at us. I grabbed a chocolate donut as Owen shakes his head.

"Keep it, it looks good on you." He nonchalantly told me. It took me back when he told me. Did he mean what he said?

I blushed as I look over at Charlie. He was giving me a look like I told you so.

I was just overthinking this.

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