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Savannah and I were currently getting our apartment together for girls weekend.

Since Sacha isn't of age and can't go to boys weekend, he's spending it with us.

We were going to have a movie night and do face masks and everything. As we were getting everything together, there was a knock on the door.

"I'll answer it." I tell Sav. I answer the door and see Sacha. He had a backpack on as he looked happy.

"Hey, you can come in." I step inside as he walks in, looking at everything. "Hey, thanks for inviting me." He thanked as I closed the door.

I smile as I look at him. "It's no problem. You can make yourself at home." I let him know. I'm really happy he came.

I knew he felt a little bad he couldn't hang out with the boys.

Most of them went. It was Jeremy, Owen, Charlie, Booboo, and Taylor who plays young Bobby.

I just hope this makes him feel a little better because he's a sweet kid. He sat on my couch as I wiped off the counter tops.

Savannah walked out of her room and smiled at Sacha. She's closer to him than I am, only because they've worked together a lot.

We started telling him the things we have planned, and let him know we have things planned for him too.

We didn't want to make it too girly for him, so we have some things planned. After ten minutes, Jadah and Madi came.

I was so happy once they were all here. We were sitting on the couch, waiting for a pizza and watching Bohemian Rhapsody.

"Sacha, do you want to do face masks with us?" Savannah asks him. "Yeah, I'll do one." He shrugged as she pulled one out for him.

As we're watching, I get a text message from Owen. I look at it to see he had messaged me saying he missed me.

I started to text him back that I was missing him too. "Why you looking at your phone like that, Eren?" Madi asked.

I looked at her to see her making a face at me. Savannah was smirking as Jadah made the same face as Madi.

Sacha was looking in between us. I bite my lip to hide my smile. "My mom." I lie to them but Jadah rolled her eyes.

"Girl, you don't have to lie to us. We know you're messaging your boo thing." I drop my jaw laughing as she says that.

"Girls night just got a little more interesting." Sacha smiled to himself as he leaned back.

He brought his drink to his lips and sipped it while we talked. "I don't have a boo thing." I tell them as they looked at me dumbfounded.

"For an actor, you're doing a terrible job." Madi joked making all of us laugh. "She admitted her feelings to me and Charlie." Savannah spills.

Sacha and Jadah drop their jaw as Madi looks at me with a 'are you serious' expression. "You know that boy can't keep a secret." She tells me.

It made my stomach lurch. "And the fact the two are together and gonna be drinking." Jadah made a worried look.

"Stop, you're worrying me!" I tell her as I hide behind a pillow. "Don't be. I just hope that boy doesn't mess it up." Madi laughed.

There was a knock on the door causing Savannah to stand up. "You two are super cute together though." Sacha told me making me blush.

"I want someone to look at me the way Owen looks at you." Madi admitted as I laugh at her. "He doesn't look at me in anyway." I try to tell her.

"He does too. You're blinded by love!" Jadah teased. I blush as I leaned back on the couch. Madi and Jadah started singing about me and Owen.

Savannah walked in as Sacha was laughing at the two girls. This has been a lot more fun than what I thought it was going to be.

I just wished that Owen was here so I can share this memory with him. We all start eating the pizza as we start paying attention to the movie.

After twenty minutes, we start putting the face masks on. "Am I doing this right?" Sacha asked laughing a little.

We all look at him to make sure. "Yeah, looking good." We tell him as he smiles. I was worried he would hate being with the girls.

But he looks like he's actually having a good time. "I was thinking we should go to Stanley Park and we can walk around." Savannah told us.

We all agreed and it honestly sounds fun. It'll be nice to get out of the apartment and do something that's not filming.

The whole night was honestly really fun. We watched another movie or two and just hung out with each other.

But when we got up in the morning, we got ready for the park. We were gonna walk around and play Frisbee.

I had on Owen's cream sweatshirt with a jean jacket and skinny jeans. I was gonna leave my hair down and in it's natural state.

I wonder how hungover Owen is. Right as I thought about it, my phone started ringing. I look over to see it was Owen facetiming me.

When I answer it, his face pops up. He looks rough. "I think I drank too much last night." He pouted as I look at him.

I hate how I can't be there to help him. "I'm sorry, amore." I pout towards the blonde. "I need one of your back rubs." He pleaded.

"I wish I could be there. Get Booboo to rub your back." I offer as he shakes his head. "It's not the same. I like yours better." He admitted.

I smile as I look at him. "You going back out today?" I ask changing the subject." He nodded. "Yeah, I think we're about to get breakfast."

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Take medicine and eat." I remind him before we get off the phone.

"Eren. We're about to leave." I hear Savannah tell me from my other side of the door. I get up and grab Owens keys.

He's letting me use his car for the weekend in case we wanted to go somewhere. Savannah and I sit up front as the other three sat in the back.

We went to the park and it wasn't too crowded. It was colder than I thought but if we kept moving, it wan't too bad.

The whole day was so much fun. I feel like it brought me closer to the girls and Sacha since I barely get to see them on set.

Girls weekend, plus Sacha, wasn't bad at all.

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