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I couldn't wait for today. We were filming Stand Tall and I was excited. I know Madi and the boys are feeling bittersweet for it.

It's the last performance they're filming. And I know they worked their asses off for it. It was our second to last day filming.

Tomorrow they're doing the rest of the episode which includes the very last scene, Julie's emotional scene with the boys, and the scene before they go to the Orpheum.

It's been really emotional but we're making the best of it. We still have the cast party Saturday night.

I was sitting on the couch with Savannah and Steve, the guy who plays Carrie's dad, waiting on them to start.

It was cool that all of us were here. Booboo and Cheyenne are talking to each other while they hid behind the cameras.

The actors playing Julie's family were talking to each other. Madi had just walked onto the stage and I couldn't help but smile.

She looked so good in her dress. The three boys followed her in their suits.

Charlie didn't have his sleeves on, Jeremy's jacket was off, and Owens suite looked loose.

Damn does Owen look good. "I think you're drooling." Savannah joked. I laugh as I nudged her with my elbow.

My heart ached as I thought about it being the last performance. But I'm not crying. Not right now at least.

Kenny comes over to us and tells us how he envisions the scene and we all nod our head listening.

They ran through the song as we watched. When it got to Owen's solo, he stood up and started singing.

I was in complete awe. I loved his voice. Don't get me wrong, I like Charlie's and Jeremy's too, but I love Owens.

I could listen to him sing all day and night if I could. When his solo was done, he moved his microphone to his chest with a big grin.

He looked so happy. Filming the performance scene probably took an hour and a half. And now they were gonna film us.

Savannah sat in the middle of Steve and I. I got into character so I straitened my back and crossed my arms.

I put my resting bitch face on as Savannah got into character. "Been here before." Savannah said her line as I chuckled.

Steve glanced at Sav as we stared smirking. We did that scene a couple more times until we had it perfect.

We also did the scene where they get done performing.

Steve sat there shaking a little and in shock from seeing his dead bestfriends after twenty five years.

Savannah was in awe while she slowly stood up clapping. As for me, I was going to be a mixture of in awe and in shock.

My arms were uncrossed and my hands were clutching the end of the couch. We filmed the scene a couple times and it was perfect.

"You are all set to go." Kenny told us. We all stood up and I looked at Sav. She had tears in her eyes knowing that was the last scene we were doing.

"Bitch. Don't start crying." I point at her. Her lips started quivering as I looked at her. I could feel the knot tightening in my throat.

I know she was trying her hardest. "I don't want this to end." She let out. I go over to my roommate and give her a big hug.

We start crying in each others arms. I was doing so good too but when I saw my best friend cry, I start crying.

After a few minutes, we looked at each other and our tear stained faces. We start laughing as we looked like a hot mess.

"Do you wanna binge eat ice cream?" I ask as we wipe our tears. She nods her head as we walk off set together.

We walk to our trailer and get out of costume. I was wearing my favorite sweatshirt, well it was Owens hoodie.

I go into our mini fridge and grab two pints of Ben and Jerry's ice cream. I hand one to Sav as I sit down on our couch.

"It sucks tomorrows the last day of filming." Sav pouted as we started eating. "It really does. I don't wanna leave you guys." I admit.

I was gonna miss everyone on set. Even though I didn't talk to Sacha, Jadah, and Madi much, I was going to miss them.

Especially since we bonded at girls weekend. I was going to miss Jeremy and Booboo because they became two older brothers to me.

I'm gonna miss their constant teasing. But I was especially going to miss Charlie, Savannah, and Owen.

We all bonded by so much since we live so close. I was going to miss Charlie teasing me and hanging out randomly in our apartment.

We've spent so much time watching our favorite musicals. I was going to miss Savannah's caring nature.

I was going to miss gossiping with her about everything. But I was going to miss dancing with her and being with her twenty-four seven.

People told us to not live together since we'll be together all day on set. But I think it was one of our best decisions.

Because if not, we wouldn't have bonded the way we did. I think I was going to miss Owen the most.

I'm going to miss sleeping next to him, I forgot how to sleep alone. Us two have been through so much together during these few months.

I never thought I was going to fall for my coworker. But here I am. Savannah and I start telling each other different stories from set.

We were reminiscing our funniest moments as we were eating our ice cream. Savannah started telling me a story from set that I had missed.

My stomach was cramping as I laughed with tears in my eyes. Our trailer door opens up to reveal Charlie and Owen.

They looked at us worriedly as we laughed our asses off on the couch. "Are you two okay?" Owen asked with worry on his voice.

We start to calm down and it got easier to breathe. "Yeah, Sav was just telling me a story." I explain to them.

"Okay well whenever you're ready, we're gonna head home." Charlie informed us. We sigh as we put our ice cream away.

We drive to our apartment complex in silence. The vibes were off between us. Only because we only had a few days left together.

"Do you two wanna come over and have a musical marathon?" I ask looking at them. "Is that even a question?" Charlie asked joking.

We all laugh as we get to the complex. We go up to our apartment and gather around the tv. We turn on Momma Mia which makes me smile.

This was what we watched on my first night here. If someone told me that these people would be my best friends, I wouldn't believe it.

These people are like my family. I cuddle into Owen as he does the same. I wanted to take this in while I can.

I'm gonna miss being with the guy I love.

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