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"And girls, just wanna have fun." I sing along with Savannah. We've been partying for the last couple of hours, and I forgot how many Vegas Bombs I had.

We sounded awful, but we didn't care. We giggled as we tried to sing. When the song finished, I sat on the couch.

Owen was there to catch my fall. "Thank you O." I smile.

"I think you had too much to drink." He was tipsy, I could see it in his eyes.

"You're fucking drunk." I laugh as he giggles at me. He shakes his head, trying to deny it.

Charlie started playing Grease, making me stand up. "Dance with me." I tell Owen.

I pull him off the couch as we dance to the Grease Soundtrack. This was how we were for most of the night.

But Savannah and I snuck off to our apartment. We wanted to make a frozen pizza without the boys knowing.

"This was probably the best plan we ever thought of." Savannah giggled. We put the pizza in the oven, waiting for it to heat up.

"Especially sense we have the whole thing to ourselves." I giggle with her. "I wish I looked like you, Eren." She slurred to me.

I blushed at her words. "I wished I looked like you." I tell her.

We talked about random nonsense while we waited. And when it was done, we perked up.

We surprisingly get the pizza out and cut it. We devour into the pizza, and it tasted it super good.

"This is probably the best pizza I've ever tasted." I moan as I bite into it.

"The boys are missing out." We look at each other and giggle. Once done with the food, we both decided to lay down.

I flop onto my bed, leaving my led lights on. I fall asleep on my bed, feeling good.

But when I woke up, the good feeling was gone. I had a horrible hangover. My head was killing me.

I grab the granola bar on my night stand and eat it. I down a water bottle and take some Advil. I slowly get up so I can check on Savannah.

Her door was still closed so I lightly knock on it. "Come in." I hear from her room. She was buried in her blanket.

"How're you feeling?" I ask as she groans. I sit on the edge of her bed as she pouts. "Awful. I'm never drinking again." Her voice was raspy.

Hopefully she didn't lose it. I get an idea so I smile. "Here, I'll go see if the boys are up and see if they want to get food. I'll be back."

I go into my room to change my clothes. I put on Nike shorts with a loose t-shirt. I put on running shoes with my Nike socks.

I put my hair up in a ponytail as I grab my sunglasses. I walk out of the apartment and go down a floor to the boys apartment.

I could hear talking in there and knowing they don't usually lock the door, I walk right in.

I look too see Charlie and Jeremy talking. Jeremy stayed knowing he got too intoxicated.

"There's one of the party girls. Where's Sav?" Charlie asked as he sat on his counter.

"In bed still, she's super hungover." I explain as I sit next to Charlie.

It smelt like coffee so I look to see Jeremy making some. "Where'd you two run off to last night?" Jeremy asked.

"If I remember correctly, we made pizza and then went to bed." I shrug to them. I notice Owen was missing so I guess he's still in bed.

"So, I'm craving donuts because that helps my hangovers. You want to come with me?" I ask to no one in particular.

"I'll go!" Charlie hopped off the counter and ran to get his keys. How is he so energetic? I just shook my head as I look at Jeremy.

He pours himself a glass of coffee as Charlie runs back in. "I'll stay here incase Owen or Savannah need me." Jeremy tells us.

Charlie and I walk to his car in silence, which I don't mind. He gets into drivers seat as I get into passenger.

"You excited to start filming?" He asked making conversation. I nodded as I smiled. It was bright out so thankfully I have my sunglasses.

"Of course. It's gonna be fun being Savannah's sidekick." I can't wait to get into character, Gemma.

We talked about the scenes we couldn't wait for as we rode to the donut stop. We decided to get two dozen donuts.

A dozen glazed and a dozen chocolate. When we get back to the apartment, Owen and Savannah were still asleep.

"I'll message Savannah. Can you wake up Owen, Eren?" Charlie asked.

I nodded my head as I went into his room. He was asleep, his mouth slightly open.

I slowly go up to him, and bend down. I lightly shake him to wake him up.

"Owen." I whisper as his eyes flutter open. He lightly smiled when he saw it was me. "How are you feeling buddy?" I ask as he sighs.

"I think I'm hungover." He jokes. I smile as I look at him buried underneath his blankets.

"Charlie and I got donuts if you wanna get some." He nodded as I stood up.

I start to walk into the living room as Savannah walks in. She looks how I feel. "There better be chocolate." She told us.

We all sat in the apartment, eating the donuts. I was standing next to Owen, and we were kinda close, but it didn't bother me.

I'm honestly happy I hung out with them last night. I've only known them for a week and I'm already super close to them.

I wouldn't want it any other way. After Owen ate his donut, he groaned. "I'm gonna go lay back down, my head is killing me." He pouted.

"Do you need Advil?" I ask. I hadn't even noticed my head has eased up. He turns to look at me.

"Do you have any?" I nodded as he smiled. "That'll be delightful." I hopped off the counter raced up my apartment.

I grab my Advil and went back to the boys apartment. Charlie, Savannah, and Jeremy were sprawled out on the couch.

I went into Owen's room to see him laying in his bed, facing his wall. "Hey, O. I have the Advil." I announce.

He slowly sits up and looks at me. He runs his fingers through his hair as I gave him two tablets. He took it dry, without water.

"Do you need anything else?" I ask softly. "Can you stay in here with me?" He looked at me with one eye open.

I nodded as I got in bed with him. He put the covers over me as I got comfortable. I rub his back to help him.

And before I knew it, I heard his soft snores.

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