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I've been with Charlie all day helping him film for Perfect Harmony. Madi honestly looked pretty in her dress.

Friday, after I started feeling better, I went to set and helped Kenny with the Perfect Harmony set.

We filmed the before and after scenes of Perfect Harmony in the gym this morning. And now we're in the set starting to set.

While they filmed, I did the dance over and over with Charlie. "Before we film it, can we go over it one more time?" Charlie asked nervously.

"I think you have it. Like you're really good." I tell him honestly. He smiled as everyone walked in.

"You ready to start filming?" Kenny asked clapping his hands together. We've been practicing and rehearsing this for a week.

It took a good two hours to get the scene perfect. I felt relieved when we had it done.

Kenny sent Madi home for the rest of the day, but we had more work to do. Charlie had to go get changed so he can do the scene with the boys.

I think Savannah and Sacha were off running lines so I went to find Owen. As I was walking around set, I found Jeremy.

"Jer!" I yell grabbing his attention. He turned to me and smiled. "Hey, Eren. What's up?" He asked focusing on me.

"Have you seen Owen?" I question as he thinks about it for a second. He then perks up as he remembers.

"He said he was going to look for you in your trailer. That was probably ten minutes ago." I look at him strangely.

He knows I was with Charlie watching over the dance. "Okay. Thanks Jeremy." I tell him as I start to walk away.

I walk to my trailer confused on why Owen would look for me there. I get to my trailer, not knowing what to expect.

"Owen, why are you looking for me in my-" I stop in my tracks when I see Cameron, Noel, and Ethan sitting in my trailer.

"There's my little sister!" I ran over and gave my brother the biggest hug. I was honestly in shock. I embrace my brother for a little bit.

And when I pull away, I look at the other two. "How did you get here? When did you get here?" I ask still in shock.

"We got here an hour ago." Cameron told me ignoring the first question.

"And Owen here invited us to fly out here for a couple of days." Noel informed me.

I looked over at Owen in awe. I had no idea he was going to do that. He was blushing when I looked at him.

"O, I didn't know you were doing that." I smile towards him. He shrugged as he looked at me. "I wanted to surprise you." He was the sweetest.

There was a knock on the door and then Jeremy walked in. He smiled at everyone and then looked at everyone.

"They need us on set." Owen nodded as Jeremy walked away. "I'll let you all hang out." Owen smiled.

"Let me know whenever you get done." I tell him. He nods as he waves to everyone. He walks out, leaving us four together.

I'm so happy they're here. "I think homeboy likes you." Ethan jokes as everyone looks at him.

"What? I said what we're all thinking." Ethan shrugged. We all just shake our heads as we catch up on everything.

They told me how they're about to film for another season of Shameless and their wild night on Halloween.

Noel told me this funny story about how him, Cameron, and Jeremy Allen White went to a bar and Noel got punched in the face.

After they told me some of their funny stories, I told them some that happened here.

"So where are you staying at?" I ask them. "A hotel a few minutes away from here." Cameron told me.

I was honestly so happy that they're here. Even though I'll be busy tomorrow helping get ready for the Edge Of Great.

I think tomorrow they were gonna film Jadah and Madi's scene while the boys practice for the song.

I was gonna be filling in for Julie while they practice. We've rehearsed it before, we just wanna make sure.

"I have to help film some things, did you wanna hang around set?" I ask curious. "I think I was going to show Ethan around." Noel told him.

I looked over at my brother. "Hell yeah I'm staying. I wanna meet everyone." He smiled. That's when I got an idea.

"Here. I'll show you around set now." I smile. We all file out of my trailer so I can show them around.

I showed them the gym, the cafeteria, and Julies house.

"Next up on the tour is Julie's room. Her bed is the most comfortable thing in the world." I tell them.

"You slept on it?" Noel asked. "Multiple times." I smile. They look around the room and Ethan flopped on the bed.

"It is pretty comfortable." He joked. He got up so I could show them the Hollywood Ghost Club. They were in complete awe.

"This place is dope, not going to lie." Cameron praised. After spending some time here, Noel and Ethan left.

They were hungry and wanted to get some food and rest. "So, Owen really invited you three?" I asked with a light smile.

We were walking out of the Hollywood Ghost Club set. "Yeah, he messaged us through instagram a day or two ago." That was so sweet of him.

"You like him, don't you?" He asked smirking at me. I violently shake my head as I look at him. "Just friends." I remind him, and myself.

"It doesn't look like it by how red your face is." He teased. I push him laughing as I see Booboo walking around.

I yell his name so we won't have to talk about it anymore. "What's up Eren? Who's this?" I introduce the two, even though Cameron knows Booboo.

"I see the resemblance. Hey, you're amazing in Gotham." Booboo praised. Cameron blushed as he scratched his neck.

"Thanks man. I loved you in the X-Men movie. And Eren, loved you in Twilight." He joked. Booboo laughed a long which made me roll my eyes.

They started talking about how I made them have a Twilight marathon with them. I'm happy they were getting along.

If I'm correct, I think Cameron is only a year older than Booboo. They talked and got to know each other for awhile.

But as I stood there, I felt two strong arms wrapped around me. "Hey, pip squeak." I turn to see a familiar blonde.

"Hey, amore. You guys finished shooting?" I ask looking up at him.

"We went over the scene about a hundred times. But I'm sure we'll get it tomorrow." He boasts. Charlie then walks over with Savannah.

"I think we were going to go get dinner." Charlie then looked over at my brother. They introduced as Owen kept his arms around me.

He had his chin resting on my shoulder. "Cameron, if you wanna come get dinner with us you can." Savannah offered.

"I would but Noel and Ethan are at the hotel." He passes the offer. "Invite them too. We'll love to meet them." Booboo tells him.

"You three are only here for a couple days. We'll love to have you there." Owen tells them. Cameron gave in so he went to call them.

I'm so thankful for Owen for inviting them.

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