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Filming has been super fun. We got done shooting the dance for Wow and everything before that scene.

I just can't believe we've been filming for a whole month. I can't believe how much these people have grown on me.

I've been on set almost non stop. I helped with the choreography for I Got the Music so all of that was super fun.

Today, the boys are starting to get ready for the Hollywood Ghost Club and my character isn't in this episode much.

I'm only on it when it shows Carrie at the dance. And we filmed those scenes yesterday. I walked onto the Hollywood Ghost Club set to see a bunch of people.

The people closer to the stage were wearing flapper dresses and looked liked it was from the twenty's.

Kenny was talking to Cheyanne Jackson, who was playing Caleb. As I looked around, I saw the four boys sitting at a table.

Madi was talking to Charlie so I went over to them. "Hey, guys." I grab their attention.

Owen, Jeremy, and Booboo smile up at me. "Aren't you supposed to practicing for All Eyes On Me?" Owen asked questionably.

"Yeah, but that's not until later." I inform him. Owen and I have gotten super close, which I don't mind.

I look at Owen to see him in costume. His jean jacket and pink shirt. He had his Fanny pack on as he looked up at me.

He looked kinda pale. I bend down, looking at him. "Are you feeling okay?" I ask worriedly.

"Peachy." He smiled weakly. I touch his forehead with the back of my hand.

His head was burning up. "Owen, you're on fire." I tell him.

"I'll be fine. It's just a slight headache and my muscles are weak." He tried to shake it off.

I shake my head towards him. "You need to rest though, you've been working your ass off." I can tell he has a cold.

"I can't let Kenny and everyone down." He pouted towards me. "Kenny will understand if you're not feeling the best." I tried to let him know.

I look at him sadly as Kenny walks over. "Everything okay, Eren?" I heard him ask. I stand up to talk to him.

"I think Owen might not be feeling the best." I let him know. Owen was slapping my hand, trying to get me to stop.

Kenny reached his hand down and felt his head. "You are warm. If you want, you can go rest for the rest of the afternoon." Kenny told him.

"I don't wanna miss out on anything though." Owen told him disappointed. Kenny shook his head towards him.

"I want you healthy and the only way to do it, is to rest. We can focus on the dancers." This is why I love Kenny.

If you're feeling bad, he'll let you rest. He won't push it anymore because he cares.

I was intimidated at first, but he's just super passionate. "Are you sure?" Owen asked him, pouting.

"Yes. We're just trying to get everything perfect right now before we film." Kenny lightly hit his back and walked off.

He looked at me weakly as I stick my hand out. "Come here, I'll take you to my trailer." He takes my hand.

I take him to my trailer so he can rest until we're all done. When we get there, he flips onto my couch.

He takes his shoes off as I give him my blanket. I grab my Advil that I keep hear and a water bottle. "Take this, and then you can rest."

He nods as he does what I say. "Thank you, Eren." He smiles lightly. I check the time and I need to be on set to learn the dance for All Eyes On Me.

"I need to go on set. Text me if you need anything." He lays down as I run through his blonde hair.

I can see him physically relax as he closes his eyes. "I will." He mumbled.

I don't want to leave him, I wanna stay in case he needs me. Over this past month, I've felt protective over him.

I sigh as I stand up. I grab my phone and walk towards the door. Before walking out, I look at him one last time.

He was in the same spot. I walk out the trailer and head towards where the girls are. When I get to set, they were already starting to stretch.

"There you are! Everything okay?" Savannah asked as I went over to her. "Yeah, Owen isn't feeling the best so he's asleep in our trailer." I explain.

She starts to pout as I stretch along side with her. "That stinks. I hope he feels better soon." I've always liked their friendship.

"Me too. I'm sure he just needs to sleep it off." I tell her with slight hope in my voice. I hated seeing Owen sick.

My momma bear instincts come in whenever one of my friends isn't feeling well.

We go over the dance for hours until we get it perfect. "That was good today's girls." They ended the day for us which made me smile.

"You wanna check out the Hollywood Ghost Club with me?" Savannah asked smiling. I nodded as I walked with her there.

When we walked in, they were still going over the dance. They were going over the part where Willie, Booboo's character, gets into the dance.

Booboo is an excellent dancer. Jeremy and Charlie were dancing with the twins causing us to laugh.

After a long day, we had finally finished. Savannah and I go into our trailer to see Owen still crashed on the couch.

I walk over to him and sit next to him. I lightly shake him to wake him up.

"He's out cold." Savannah sighed. "He'll probably sleep for most of the night." I tell her.

I look over to see Owen asleep. He looked so peaceful.

I move his body causing him to wake up. He looks around to see it was now dark out. "Are we done for the day?" Owen asked as I nodded.

"Let's get you home." He stretched before sitting up. I can see he was feeling a little better, but not much.

We meet up with Charlie and Owen hands him his keys.

"Please don't wreck my car or I'll kill you." Owen threatened. "I'm the best driver out of all of us." Charlie smiled.

We all kinda just looked at him. We just shook our heads as we get into the car. We drive to the apartment complex and get out.

"Hey, girls. Can I come over and watch a movie with you?" Charlie asked on his phone. We nodded as I looked at Owen.

"I think I'm gonna stay at the apartment. My heads still killing me." Owen said making me pout.

"You want me to stay with you?" I ask as he nods his head. "You give amazing back rubs." I laugh lightly as we get to his floor.

We all make out separate ways and us two go to his apartment.

We lay down on his bed, him facing the wall. "Thank you for taking care of me today, Eren. You're an amazing friend." He made me smile.

I start rubbing his back, making him tired. "Anything to help." I lightly tell him.

Hopefully he'll be better tomorrow.

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