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I was in my trailer with Owen, getting my Dirty Candy costume on.

I had on a green sparkly crop top on with matching sparkly green pants.

I had on a see through jacket with it as I looked at myself in the mirror. I was waiting for Tammy to come and put my red hair in the green wig.

Tracy had just left from doing my makeup. Owen was sitting on the couch, scrolling through his phone.

"Shouldn't you be getting into costume?" I ask turning to him.

"I'm already in costume." I look to see he had his pink hoodie on with joggers.

He had his socks on over his joggers and his ninety style shoes. He had his hat on backwards.

I sigh as I look at my costume. "I don't think green suits me." I speak out loud. The outfit is super cute, but it's super itchy.

"You remind me of Ariel from the little mermaid." He joked. "Does that make me a princess?" I ask like a little kid.

"Of course." He sweetly smiled at me. Tammy walked in with a smile. "You ready to put your wig on?" She asked walking over towards me.

"No." I joke as she smiles. I sit in my chair as she starts brushing through my hair.

I was nervous to see it on for the first time. "Are you tender headed?" She asked as I shook my head no.

She starts to put my hair in a tight bun and then puts my wig cap on.

She puts my green wig on as I look at myself. "I like it." Owen complimented as I smiled. Tammy looked at it and smiled.

"Yeah, green suits you." That definitely helped my nerves.

I thank her as she walks out of my trailer. I take a deep breath as I stand up.

Owen follows me out the trailer, it was a nice day outside.

We were about to film the scene for Dirty Candy to preform Wow. I know Kenny wanted to make sure everything was perfect before we started rolling.

"I think we were gonna film a few scenes while Kenny works with you." Owen explained as we walked to set.

I pout as I look up at him. "I'm gonna miss you bub." He pouts as he looks at me.

"Whatever. I'll see you later, loser." He joked as I went into the set for the gym.

Everyone else was already here. There were extras in the bleachers while Savannah, the dancers, and Sacha talked to Kenny.

I walked over to them, fixing my outfit. "Good, Eren you're here." Kenny said making them look at us.

He described to us how he imagined the scene so we all listened.

"I wanna run it over a few times before we start filming." Kenny informs us. Sacha nods his head as he walks towards the bleachers.

"Good luck!" He gave me a thumbs up, making me smile.

We all get into our positions and start rehearsing. We started rehearsing at nine that morning and didn't stop until noon.

When it was noon, that's when Madi, Owen, Jeremy, Charlie, and Jadah walked in.

I make eye contact with Owen to see him already looking at me.

He looked wore out. 'You okay?' I mouth to him. He nods his head and gave me a thumbs up.

"Alright, let's run it a couple more times." Kenny nodded.

I mentally groaned as I got to my spot. We run it a couple more times so I glance over at Owen.

This one time I glanced, he was mimicking our dance. I giggle causing Kenny to yell cut. "I'm sorry. I got distracted by Owen dancing a long."

I look in between him and Owen. "That gave me an idea." He explained the idea to us.

While we danced to the song, and they watched, he wanted Owen to mimic our dance in awe.

"You all can go to lunch now. Dirty candy, please keep your costumes on." I groan as I walk over to my friends.

"I'm gonna get food with the girls, do you wanna come?" Savannah asked. "I'm just eat with the boys." I tell her.

She nods her head as we make our separate ways. "You know I'm bad at dancing, I can't believe this." Owen complained when I reached him.

Jadah and Madi left a while ago so they could get some school work done.

Owen, Jeremy, Charlie, and Booboo were all standing in a circle.

When I first met Booboo, I was really intimidated by him at first. Only because I grew up watching him on Twilight.

I read all the books and I loved Seth in the books and movies. I'll admit, I was starstruck, but he's so sweet.

"You're such a liar." I laugh at the blonde. He scrunches his nose at me causing me to smile.

"You wanna get lunch with us?" Booboo asked nicely. I nodded my head. We decided to eat on set, thank goodness.

I didn't want people seeing me in this. I say that like it's not going to be on Netflix by this time next year.

We all got food and sat down. I was starving so I didn't waste time on getting started.

Jeremy, Owen, and Charlie wanted to rehearse lines so Booboo and I watched. Booboo decided to film it as we watched.

"I'm not entirely comfortable with that either, it tingles in weird places." I guess they were doing the scene where they sing Reggie's Jam.

"Charlie you're at couples massage." Jeremy joked making me laugh.

Booboo and Jer started laughing as Charlie tried to focus.

"I'll tell you what we have. What we've had since the day we've come together, we have us." Charlie spoke as I took a sip from my drink.

"We're all the family we'll ever need. And you know what else we have?" Charlie asked reading off his line.

I finished my food and I look at the four boys I'm sitting with.

"Couples massages." Jeremy said making me laugh with him and Booboo.

"We have music, you dork." Charlie tried to say it without laughing, but failed. Booboo was laughing out loud which made me laugh.

I never thought I would be sitting with Booboo when Eclipse first came out. But here I am.

"People can hear us play, they can't see us but they can feel us. If I had my guitar right here, I would jam out for these people right here." Charlie read off.

"Yeah but they can't tip what they can't see." Owen aggressively read off his line making me hold in a laughs.

"It's not about the tips you loser." Charlie tells him. They then go after each other like it's a wrestling match.

Before I know it, Owen lost a ring and Charlie had a chair in his hands. That's how the rest of lunch went, Charlie and Owen being their chaotic selves.

We start to walk back to set, Owen slinging his arm around me.

I was nervous to do the dance while they filmed, but I was also excited.

"You walk slow." Owen complained. "I'm sorry I don't have long ass legs like you." I joke with him.

That's what I love about this cast. Even though I've been in this itchy costume and have been doing the same scene for hours, they help me get through it.

They're already like a family.

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