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"Chubby bunny." Charlie laughed. We got bored waiting for the three to get everything so we started playing chubby bunny.

We were on round three. "Chubby bunny." I get out. We shove another marshmallow in our mouths as we laugh.

The more we shove in our mouths, the funnier it got. "I feel like a hamster." I joke with him. "A chubby bunny hamster." He joked along with me.

We got to the fifth round and it was getting a little bit harder. "You're getting it deep in there, you're opening up wide."

Charlie let out a laugh as he shoved it in there. I said it perfectly but Charlie couldn't get it out.

I laughed when I heard the noise come out of his mouth. "Say it again." I laugh. We were in my kitchen.

I was sitting on my island while he stood against the counter.

We stuffed more in our mouths but he started gagging. "Bathroom!" I yell. He runs in there causing me to run after him.

He spits them out in the toilet as I spit mine out in the sink. We look at each other and start laughing.

"I had eleven in my mouth." I tell Charlie as he laughs. I look over to see Jeremy looking at us weirdly.

"We just threw up eleven marshmallows." Charlie told him without context.

I busted out laughing to the point where my stomach was hurting. "What's so funny in here?" Savannah asked walking in.

"They threw up eleven marshmallows." Hearing the confusion in Jeremys voice made it even funnier.

He rose his hands up in defense. "I have no idea." He walked away, Savannah following after.

Charlie and I calm down and walk out the bathroom. I look over at Owen to see him un bagging some things.

"I thought game night was at your apartment?" I ask confused. "It is, we just had to drop some things off here first." He explained.

I nodded and went to help him. "You feeling better?" I ask about his anxiety.

"Yeah, thank you." He smiled at me. It was genuine too, I could tell.

After a while, we went to boy's apartment. What they failed to tell me was that game night, included drinking.

Charlie told us how he doesn't drink much so he'll be bartending most of the night. I've drank before.

Cameron, Jeremy Allen White, Ethan, Noel, Emma, and I have drank, which always surprised me.

I always figured Cameron wouldn't let me drink with them but since we all grew up together we all trust each other.

"Eren, are you drinking?" Charlie asked looking at me. "Yeah. I don't want to get too drunk though." I get the worst hangovers.

He nodded as he grabbed another shot glass. He comes over and sits on the floor. I was sitting next to Owen on the couch.

We were all sitting in a circle, drinks in our hand. "Let's play never have I ever!" Savannah excitedly yelled.

We all agreed as she thinks. "Never have I ever cheated on an exam." I rose my glass up, taking in the burning liquid.

I saw Charlie take a shot which shocked me. "I thought you didn't drink?" I ask shockingly. "Only on special occasions." He shrugged.

"Can we talk about how Eren cheated on a test?" Owen had his eyebrow raised at me.

"It was geometry. I was never good at math." I shrug as we look at Jeremy. It was his turn.

"Never have I ever played on a sports team." I bent over and took another shot.

I did soccer in middle school and dance. "Two for two, Eren is gonna be fun tonight." Sav clapped her hands together.

"Never have I ever skipped school to do something fun." I think. Charlie, Jeremy, and Owen all took shots. "What'd you do?" I ask the three.

Charlie skipped to go snowboarding, Owen skipped to go to an amusement park, and Jeremy skipped for an audition.

"Never have I ever sent a nude." Owen stated as Charlie took a shot.

We all look at him surprised. "Wait, really?" Jeremy asked laughing. He was already like the dad of the group.

"It was in high school." Charlie laughed. "Do you have those still?" Owen asked curious.

We then all looked at him curious. "It's for a friend." We all laugh as it was Charlie's turn.

"Never have I ever liked one of my siblings friends." I groan as I took another shot.

Savannah took one with me so we high fived. "Who'd you like?" Owen whisper asked to me.

"When Cam first started shameless, I had a crush on the actor who played Lip." I explain. It was a little school girl crush.

It didn't mean anything. He was just way older than me and showed attention to me. But because I was Cameron's little sister.

He was seventeen when he started the show, I was only nine.

The more we played the game, the more we drank. Savannah was a lightweight so she was slurring everything.

"Eren! Come to the bathroom with me." She stood up but stumbled backwards.

I was tipsy, but I wasn't wasted like what Savannah is.

I take her to the bathroom so she can pee, and she insists me going in there with her.

I face away so I don't look at her. "Are you having as much fun as I am?" She asked giggling. "I'm having fun, I'm just not on your level."

She gets done with her business and goes by the sink. "I'll get Charlie to make you a drink." She smiled.

I helped her out the bathroom, she could barely walk. "Charlie! Make Eren something strong so she can be on my level." He popped up.

"On it!" He clicked his tongue as he walked to the drinks.

I help her sit next to Jeremy, who was also very intoxicated.

I sit next to Owen and sigh. I lean my head on his shoulder, smiling a little bit.

"How was girl time?" Owen joked as he placed his head on mine.

Before I could answer, Charlie walked over to me. "Here's your Vegas Bomb. I'm famous for those." He smiled cheekily at me.

He sat in front of me as I took the drink. I rose my head up and took a sip of it.

"This is really good!" I admit. He smiles. He then turns on music on the speaker, making Savannah rise up.

"I love this song!" She squealed. She grabbed my
hand, making me dance with her. I look over at Owen with a scared expression.

I mouth to him to help as he just shrugs. 'I'm sorry,' he mouthed to me.

I flip him off, making him laugh. "You're supposed to be dancing with me, not talking to Owen!" Savannah slurred.

This was going to be a fun night.

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