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I was dreading and excited for this scene. It was going to be a long day trying to get everything perfect.

The boys were filming their scene while Savannah and I were getting ready. Even though Carrie isn't invited, she goes to the gig and takes me.

I'm honestly excited to see Owen perform on the drums, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't. I put my costume on as Sav gets her hair done.

After getting ready for twenty minutes, we go towards the set. I look over to see Cameron holding three coffees.

"Two for the ladies and one for me." Cameron smiled as he handed us the coffee. "You're a lifesaver." I tell my brother.

We catch up as we walk towards set. They made the outside of Julie's garage look different. They decorated it and darkened the whole place.

Most of everyone was there. There were some crew running around as Kenny came over to us. "Eren! Savannah!" He cheered.

He looked over at my brother and smiled. "You must be Eren's brother. It's nice to meet you." Kenny introduced himself.

"I hope I'm not a bother being here today." Cameron told him sweetly. Kenny shook his head as he looked at him.

"Of course not. Your sister has been phenomenal while being here. Even when she's flirting with Owen, she's been a pleasure to work with."

Savannah started laughing as I choked on my coffee. Leave it Kenny to call me out. Cameron smirked at me as Kenny laughed.

"You know I'm only teasing." He laughed as he playfully wrapped his arms around me. "That's what they all say." I joke with him.

Kenny smiled as he walked away. "You got some explaining to do." Cameron teased me, making me go red.

"Explain what?" Owen asked walking over to him. "Oh just how Er-" I punched Cameron before he could say anything.

Owen looked in between us and shakes it off. Before he could say anything, Kenny spoke up. "Let's go through the song once."

Everyone that wasn't originally in the scene, makes sure to walk off.

Sacha walks over towards Savannah and I smiling. He gets on the other side of Sav as I look at the band.

Madi was sitting at her piano, Owen was just now getting to his drums, and the other two were putting their guitars on.

I tried to get in character but it was hard with Owen's stare. "Looks like lover boy is staring you." Sav teased as they started playing.

They started playing, and it sounded really good. Once they stopped rehearsing, they started filming.

This was going to take most of the day so I tried to be patient. But after a couple hours, we had half the song finished.

Kenny was letting us have a break. Cameron left so he could hang out with Noel and Ethan. I walked over to Owen who was chugging a water bottle.

"You doing okay?" I ask checking up on him. He looked at me as he quit drinking his water. "Wore out but good." He cheekily smiled.

"You look cute while you stare at me play." He cockily told me. I blush as he looks at me. "When did you get cocky?" I ask confused.

He just shrugged as he ran his fingers through his blonde hair. Kenny called us back to our positions so I went to my friends.

We were there for a couple more hours and they finally let us go. I was honestly exhausted.

When Savannah and I went back to our trailer, we changed.

"Hey. Please tell me you two are hungry." Booboo pleaded as he walked in. "I'm starving." Savannah moaned.

"Well, let's get sushi." We all left our trailer as us three get sushi. "So I think the boys and I are going to have a boys weekend." Booboo tells us.

I pouted on the inside. I was gonna miss Owen. "What were you going to do?" Savannah asked looking through her menu.

"I think we were going to get a hotel Friday night when Charlie's done filming and we were going to go to a bunch a of clubs and bars." He explained.

My heart ached thinking about it, but I knew he was going to be okay. Savannah looked at me with a smile.

"We should have a girls night then." I faked a smile and nodded. Maybe if we have a girls night, I won't be stressing about Owen.

After eating and talking we decided to go back on set, even though they didn't need us. Savannah went to go take a nap on Julies bed.

They were filming the scene where the guys were now where they were playing basketball so Booboo went back on set.

Madi, Jadah, and Sacha had already left for legal purposes. I decided to take a nap on the couch in the trailer.

I laid down, got comfortable, and eventually fell asleep. It was a good nap too, I was out of it. As I slept, I felt something shake me.

"Leave me alone." I groan, keeping my eyes closed. "Pip squeak, wake up." I hear my favorite voice.

I open my eyes to look over at Owen. He was back in his regular clothes and his hats on backwards.

He had a soft look on his face as I turn to him. "You still want me to leave you alone?" He asked with a light smile.

I scrunch my nose as I look at him. "Yeah." I play with him. He shakes his head as he looked at me.

"Come on. We're leaving." He softly told me. I nodded my head as I stood up. That nap was good when I don't know what time it is.

When we get to our apartments, we make our separate ways. I sit on the couch and message my friends to see if they wanna come.

They agree so after twenty minutes, they came. Savannah was asleep on her bed so we decided to hang out in my room.

We were live on Twitch, chatting to each other. Ethan and I were setting something up to where people can send me sound alerts.

He picked out all the choices so I had no idea what was in store. "Who's cream hoodie is this?" Noel asked as I blushed.

"It's Owen's. I stole it." Ethan gave me a side eye. He didn't say anything, thank God.

"Someone asked Cameron to sing Cigarette Daydream." I turn to look at him.

"That's for another day." He teased the fans. It was nice to have them over and stream with me. I still can't believe Owen invited them.

I was truly blessed.

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