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We've all worked our asses off this week. We filmed most of episode seven. We have to film from the Perfect Harmony dance to the end.

Kenny let us go an hour ago and we've been getting ready for the cast party. Savannah wouldn't tell me what she was dressing up as so I was nervous.

But I was dressing up as Carrie from the show. I had an outfit on that resembled to Carries from the first episode.

I curled the ends of my hair but make sure they're loose. As I put my jewelry on, there's a knock on the door.

I then hear Savannah's giggles as I look at her. "Did you dress up like Carrie?" She asked as I started laughing.

She was dressed up as Kim Possible. We both were dressed up as characters we've played. I played Kim Possible last year, and it was fun.

I love how unplanned this was. We stand up as we check each other out. After laughing about it for a second, she checked the time.

"We need to meet the boys." She announces to me. We gather our things and go down to the boys apartment.

We walk in to hear the boom of the bass. I guess they were pregaming. When walk in, they were in costume.

Owen was wearing an inflatable baby costume. Jeremy was wearing a suit and his hair was styled different.

They took a shot as we walked in. They looked at us and smiled. Charlie was probably still getting ready.

I grab a shot glass and make myself one. I hop on the counter and take a shot. The burning liquid went down my throat.

"Jeremy what are you supposed to be?" I ask confused. "I'm Paul McCartney." He smiled cheekily at me.

I can totally see it now. "Are you Carrie?" He asked noticing. Now it was my turn to smile cheekily at him.

"Yeah." I smile. I then looked at Owen who was a baby. He looks at me and smiles. I look away, wondering where Charlie is.

Right as I thought that, he came out of nowhere, dressed like a clown. I screamed rather loudly as he got in my face.

"How you doin?" He asked with some cockiness in his voice. I punch his arm causing him to rub it.

"You're a jackass." I tell him as he laughs. "You all ready?" He asked as we took one last shot. Charlie was driving us there.

And since Owen's costume is large, he has to sit up front. I sat in the middle of the back as Jeremy and Savannah sat on either side of me.

Owen was in charge of the aux so he played show tunes. When we get to the set, we could hear the bass of the music.

"I literally can't wait." Savannah squealed as we walked towards the cafe. When we get there, most of everyone was there.

Jadah and Madi were dressed like an angel and a devil. Sonny, the kid who plays Carlos, was wearing a baseball uniform.

He was with some of the crews kids. I saw Booboo, making me smile. I then dropped my jaw when I realized he was wearing jorts.

He was dressed like Seth Clearwater. He was talking to Tori, one of the dancers. I decide to go over to the girls.

"You look so cute! Even dressed like Carrie." Jadah complimented. "You two look so cute with the matching costumes." I praise them.

They turn red as we do an endless cycle of compliments. I look over at the boys to see them laughing about something.

Owen looks over at me, makes eye contact, and winks. Even in the costume he looked cute. Why am I thinking he's cute, he's my best friend.

I shake my thoughts away as I look back at the girls. They start playing the wobble causing us girls to scream.

We all start dancing as Owen comes over to us. "Can I join in?" He asks as I shake my head. "No." He scrunches his nose towards me.

"Pleasee." He begs as I sigh. I agree so he smiles cheekily at me. We all do the wobble, and when it's done, we do the cha cha slide.

The whole cast and crew party was super fun. After a few hours, everyone was starting to file out.

I was sitting on one of the lunch room tables, putting Elmer's glue on my hand. "Are you sure it's going to come off?" Owen asked.

He was sitting next to me, being lookout. "Yes, now will you stop worrying." I joke with him. I look up at him to see him looking at me softly.

"Hey, it's going to be okay." I tell him softly. He looked at me softly as everyone comes to us.

"Hey I think Booboo is going to come with us." Charlie informed us. We nodded as I got all the glue on my hand.

"I'm ready whenever you all are." I tell them as we stand up. Booboo was going to be driving himself so we all made our rounds.

I told Jadah and Madi bye so they got done talking about their sleepover. After ten minutes, we were finally walking away.

We drive to the bar and wait in the line. I was nervous it wasn't going to work, but I knew it had to.

I look over at Owen with a slight smile. "I can't believe you wore that here." I laugh at him.

"I think I look good." He started doing poses, making me laugh.

As we waited in line, I got a notification on my phone. Cameron had posted a picture on Instagram.

I look at it to see he was with the cast of Shameless. And they were all having a party together. My heart ached as I looked at it.

Don't get me wrong, I love everyone here and I'm loving what I'm doing. I just miss my brother and my friends back home.

"You okay, Eren?" Owen asked looking down at me. I put my phone in my purse as I look up at him.

"I'm perfect." I lie. I don't want him worrying about me tonight. "I know you. I know when you're upset." I sigh as I look at him.

"I'm just a little homesick. I miss my brother." I pout to him. He pouts to me and wraps me up in a hug.

It isn't as comforting as I thought it was going to be. "I'm sorry pip squeak." He rubs my back as we hug.

The line starts moving causing us to move. When it gets to my turn, I show the bouncer my card. He nods as he puts a black x on my hand.

I wait for Owen, and then go outside. When we walk outside, it made me smile knowing we weren't the only ones dressed up.

"Come on, let's cheer you up." Owen smiled at me. Everyone went to the bar as I found us a table.

I found us a table and instantly start scratching my hand. It was gonna take a while but I didn't care.

They all came one by one, Owen sitting next to me. "I brought you a drink." He said in my ear. I thank him as I scratch my hand.

I take the shot, it warming my body up quickly. It took me five minutes to get the x off my hand. My hand was red but it didn't bother me.

I stand up causing Owen to look at me. "You okay?" He asked as I nodded. "I'm getting us drinks." I tell him.

He tries to stop me but I went up there anyway. I ordered us drinks and went back to everyone. My seat was somehow closer to Owen but I didn't mind.

I hand him his drink and we clink. We take the shot, making the same facial expression. We looked at each other and laughed.

"Did you move my seat closer to you?" I ask in his ear. He nodded as he leaned in. "I just wanna make sure you're okay." I blush at his words.

How did I get so lucky to have Owen as my best friend?

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