-Chapter 114-

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     I stayed in the hospital with Queen for the next couple of days

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     I stayed in the hospital with Queen for the next couple of days. Her recovery went smoothly and each day her stomach grew more. I wanted to meet my daughter, but I wanted to wait until Queen was a bit stronger.

Over the past few days, Queen had multiple visitors. Lucifer came with Gen, not to my surprise they got back together. My mother was ecstatic to find out Queen was pregnant and she, for some strange reason, immediately began working on a nursery in the palace.

Her family tried to come to see her but Queen didn't want to so I sent them home. We weren't ready for them to see Queen pregnant, especially since we didn't trust them at all. With the risks of the seers on our tail, we wanted to keep things under wraps.

Xavier, Cleo, and Caspian were the more frequent visitors and to my disappointment, they stayed for hours. They were decent but I wanted them gone. Could I be blamed for wanting to be alone with my girl?

Queen walked out of the restroom and I glanced up at her. "Ready to go?"

"Yes, definitely."

"Come here," I said.

She walked toward me in her hospital gown and I pulled her into my lap as I held her bag in my other hand.

"Kiss," she said as she closed her eyes and puckered her lips.

I kissed her back and snapped my fingers. When she opened her eyes we were at my house and she looked around in confusion. "I'll never get used to that."

Queen stood up slowly as she held a hand over her stomach. She stretched and looked down at me. "I need to shower."

"Yeah, you do," I said.

She frowned at me and smelled the inside of her gown. "I'm stinky?"

"No," I said as I stood up and quickly kissed her.

"Then what do you mean?" She asked me as I walked past her.

"I haven't seen you naked and wet in days, Princess. It's time." I said as I walked up the stairs.

I heard her squeal from behind me and I shook my head. I carried her bag into her room and set it on the bed. For a moment, I forgot I left a pregnant woman to walk up the stairs alone but as I remembered, my legs roared to motion.

"Shit," I muttered as I walked back to the staircase.

I looked down to see Queen sitting halfway up the stairs and I rushed to her, thinking she had fallen. When I got to her she was fanning herself and breathing heavily. "I'm sorry, I should've helped you."

𝐒𝐲𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞┃𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now