-Chapter 98-

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     Traffic in Juva was always a bitch to deal with but tonight it was particularly worse than usual

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Traffic in Juva was always a bitch to deal with but tonight it was particularly worse than usual. I suppose the city was never kind to me anyway, not that I was nice to it either. With all my "past" issues and family drama, I was well known and hated especially in this stupid city.

The only reason I even stayed here was that Cleo loves it and lord knows I owe it to her to make her the happiest I can. I mean, the woman agreed to marry me even after all of our past shit.

I rolled my eyes and let out an irritated breath as the driver in the car in front of me appeared to be eating instead of driving. Who the fuck does that? I had places to go and I didn't have time to watch some dude eat stuff his face on the freeway.

I lowered my window and peeked my head out to face him. "Can you please fucking drive?!" I yelled over the loud honking of the cars behind me.

The man turned in his seat and held his middle finger up at me. Taken aback by his attitude I scoffed and exited my car. With long strides, I walked to his window and knocked on it politely. He gave me a smug look and lowered his window.

"What the fuck do you want?" He asked with a full mouth.

My hands trembled as I fought the urge to punch his oh-so-punchable face and I held them behind my back.

3...2...1...just like you learned in those goddamn classes.


"I'm in the car behind you sir, and I'd appreciate it if you could start driving," I said in a strained nice voice as I tried my best to keep my cool.

"I'll drive when I want to," he laughed and looked at a passenger in his car that I didn't notice. "Can you believe this pink-haired bitch boy?"


I burst out into a peal of angry laughter as I laid my hands on his car door. "Pink-haired bitch boy? That creativity reminds me of the brain level of a third-grader...maybe second." The man glared at me and I smiled knowing that I was getting the reaction I wanted. "I may have pink hair but I'm no bitch, dumbass."

The man glared at me angrily at spat a large amount of guck out his window near my shoes. "Still look gay as hell."

I chuckled. "Ask your mother how gay I am."

"My mother's dead." He growled.

"I didn't think I was that good but I suppose I sent her to an early grave, didn't I?"

"Fuck you!" He screamed as he attempted to open his door. I calmly held it shut with my hand as he struggled to open it.


I reached into his car and grabbed him by the neck of his shirt and extended my fangs. "Start driving your fucking car or I'll send you to your mother personally to give her my deepest condolences. You've made me late to see someone and you're pissing me off to be quite honest."

𝐒𝐲𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞┃𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now