-Chapter 19-

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     I tried to keep my head in my lap for the duration of the stay at the people's house, but my heart broke for the family that Syn was breaking up

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I tried to keep my head in my lap for the duration of the stay at the people's house, but my heart broke for the family that Syn was breaking up. It was sweet that he was trying to help the little boy, but I wanted no parts in it.

I wanted to leave everything how it was and let it go into God's hands. He was the only one truly fit to judge those that deserved it, not some crazed maniac playing with knives. Getting involved in his mess was not a part of my plan. I never truly believed Syn was as big of a monster as people had made him out to be until today when I saw him in his full element.

The control he had over his anger and the lengths they went to terrified me. I rocked back and forth in my spot as I thought of the mistake I made on the drive here. I had a breakdown in the car and sent Queen my location, letting her know what was going on.

In those moments in the car, my only thoughts were that those were going to be my last minutes alive. I wanted my family to know where I was in case something happened to me, but now...I sat in fear awaiting the moment when Syn would find out what I had done.

"I said to put your hands on the table

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"I said to put your hands on the table. Do not make me ask again," I said as I twirled the large knife between my fingers.

The woman slowly laid her hands on the table and I leaned forward. "I am going to ask you a few questions, if you lie to me, there will be consequences." Most of my torture tactics were learned in Hell, but this one here...was one I learned from Julius.

She nodded and let out a shaky breath and closed her eyes. "Are you abusing your son?" I asked.


"So he's lying to me."

"Yes. He always had a wild ima-," I raised the knife and brought it down onto her hand and she let out a loud shriek, dropping her head to the table.

I pulled the knife roughly out of her hand and eyed the familiar crimson color coating it. "I saw the bruises. Those are not from his imagination." She continued screaming with her head on the table. "Lift your head and look at me," I growled. She did as I ordered, but before I could ask her another question, the front door burst open.

𝐒𝐲𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞┃𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now