-Chapter 2-

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"Will you be coming with me?"

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"Will you be coming with me?"

"Absolutely not," she declined, dropping my hand. "But you got this." A deep frown was set on my face at her words, but she ignored it and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, sending me two thumbs up before walking back into another hall. Here goes nothing.

As I neared the entrance, the usual banter that took place between the guards was naught. More often than not, they were told to silence their voices by other servants in the palace, which made the foreign quiet of the hall today particularly eerie. My steps stopped a few meters from the wide double doors as I saw three of my men laying on the stone floor, the blood from the lifeless bodies staining the grey floor.

I took shallow breaths as I willed my feet to keep on walking, the bile in my throat rising as I took in the details of the graphic scene in front of me. Their necks were warped in an inhumane direction facing the sky as their bodies were faced down. I swallowed the disgust in my throat, my body beginning to tremble with fear, and I took a deep breath before carefully stepping over the pile of bodies.


At the sound of the voice, I swiveled around in my spot. My eyes landed on a large gentleman leaning against the wall beside the doors, with a silver lighter and cigarette in hand. His jet black wavy hair hung over his forehead as he lit the cigar, and as I watched his movements with a keen eye, my eyes landing on his hands. I let out a gasp as I noticed all the blood, and he looked back at me, leaning his head against the wall, his tousled hair falling to the side, exposing his face to me.

I was met with piercing green eyes that matched my own, and my mouth dropped, knowing exactly who it was. I moved my trembling hand behind my back and stood up straight as I looked at him, and kept my legs from trying to run. "Smoking is very bad for you, Syn. And why the hell would you kill my men?!" I snatched the cigarette from his hand, an immediate regret of mine.

He remained calm, a blank expression on his face, yet I was terrified. Although he was my son, I was always afraid of him to some degree. Unlike most babies when they came into the world, Syn didn't cry. He didn't scream in pain whenever he scraped his knee, or laugh when everyone else did. I didn't truly understand what Lucifer meant by soulless until I met my son for myself.

He felt nothing.

Nothing except anger that is. That single reminder of that anger making me extend the cigarette back to him in a cautious manner, my hand quaking as it neared him.

He looked at the item in my hand, then at me before ignoring both and striding through the palace doors. Throwing the cig to the floor, I followed behind him as quick as I could but yelped when I tripped over one of the bodies and fell to the floor, catching myself on my palms. I let out heavy breaths as my hair fell into my face, and I closed my eyes, taking yet another deep breath. Everything will be okay.

𝐒𝐲𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞┃𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now