-Chapter 10-

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    I screamed against the hand as they pulled me into a room and slammed the door shut from behind us

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I screamed against the hand as they pulled me into a room and slammed the door shut from behind us. I struggled against the hard body and managed to get the hand off of my mouth. "Let go of me!"

"Relax." I immediately recognized Syn's threatening voice in my ear and I tensed, stopping my movements. He set my feet on the floor and I took a deep breath, when within a flash second, he wrapped his hand around my throat and slammed me against the door. I winced as a pain shot through my head at the contact, and he lowered his face to mine.

"Why are you here?"

I grasped and pulled at his arm to remove his grip on me, but he remained unmoving, his question still lingering in the air. Seeing that I was fighting against him to no avail, I dropped my arms and relaxed myself before looking up into his intense green gaze. "Because you pulled me here," I muttered in an obvious tone, rolling my eyes.

"Watch yourself, Queen. What are you doing in this part of the palace?"

"I don't know. Why were you chasing me in the halls?" I retorted.

"Chasing you?" He asked in confusion, dropping his hand and crossing his arms. "I would never chase you." Ouch. As if the double meaning in his words didn't sting enough, he looked down at me with his lips upturned in a disgusted expression that made me feel insignificant.

What a dick.

"So you're telling me you just happened to grab me at this hour while I was being followed by someone?" I questioned. "Do you enjoy scaring people, Syn? I almost had a heart attack!"

"As amusing as that would be," he muttered. "I've been in my room until I heard you screaming. I ignored it until you got closer to my room, but you were so fucking loud."

"So you heard me screaming earlier?"

He nodded a single time, and it took everything in me not to beat him up right then and there. The only thing stopping me was knowing I'd die if I even touched him.

"And you just ignored it?"

"I did."

"What if I was dying?!"

"How is that any of my business?" He asked. "I don't know you nor do I owe you anything."

"You're an asshole." As soon as the words slipped out of my mouth, regret instantly took over. A flicker of rage swarmed in his eyes, making me swallow a lump in my throat, and wrap my arms around myself.

"I won't ask you twice to watch what you say to me, Queen," he said, taking a step towards me. I stepped back into the wall, not daring to look away from him yet not allowing myself to get close to him. "I may be marrying your sister, but I don't give a shit about family cordiality. If you value your life at all, you'll watch your damn mouth."

My tongue wanted to riddle off every curse word that came to my mind just to see what would happen, but I held it back. I knew enough about him to know that his threats weren't just words to say so he could scare someone, his demeanor alone was enough to do that. His threats were promises.

𝐒𝐲𝐧 𝐅𝐨𝐫 𝐌𝐞┃𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐎𝐧𝐞Where stories live. Discover now