19. The Absolute Truth

Start from the beginning

But Noah, by the look in his eyes, I knew he didn’t forget me. He did as he promised on my funeral.

Closing my eyes, I remember sneaking out of the hospital, my yellow dress being a bright flare but I didn’t really mind. I wasn’t thinking straight that day. I wouldn’t have even known it was my funeral if it weren’t for the news. I’d been locked up but they didn’t realize a Juvie girl knew how to pick locks. I snuck out, hot-wired a car and got to the church without a hitch. I witnessed the last part of my funeral and was surprised with the turn out. The guards from Melville, my old psychologist, Noah’s family…the whole freaking school.

They were all there.

Mourning for me.

It was definitely not expected. But what I didn’t expect were Noah’s words. Words I memorized like the back of my mind. I love her because she changed me to be the person I am today; she makes me feel better without even trying. Her smile is the most innocent and genuine one that I’ve seen in my short life. She doesn’t try to be anyone but herself. She has a good heart. A pure one."

I remember Noah looking up to everyone, staring at them with the face of a broken hearted man—not a boy—a man. The pain in his eyes broke my own heart and I had to stop myself from running towards him and telling him I loved him too. But I couldn’t do that Noah. He didn’t deserve me, even if he loved me too.
Closing my eyes, I remember his final words.

“I don’t accept that she’s gone because…it doesn’t feel like she is. It may be offensive for me to say that but Blake will never been gone from my eyes. I will never forget the girl who expected to be forgotten.”

I will never forget the girl who expected to be forgotten.

He knew the whole time, what went on in my mind, the things I’d thought. It pained me, it definitely pained me to think so little of myself but it was the truth. Even if my father was a great politician, my mother a great lawyer, it definitely didn’t change the fact that I was nothing…no one.

“Momma?” Eli’s sweet voice called out, creating a smile on my face.

I realized I was crying so I wiped the tears off my face and grinned. “Yes, baby?”

“Is something buwning?” Huh? Burning?

I sniffed. H-O-L-Y MOTHER! “Oh shi-ddaddlledoo!” I said, watching my language.I knew reminiscing was bad. Now I burnt the dinner and now I obviously have to get take out. I sighed. “Baby, momma, burned dinner. What do you want to order?”

Eli grinned, his face reminding me so much of Noah’s but I loved that. Eli was my Noah Junior. When I found out I was pregnant I was contemplating on whether or not to name Eli after Noah but thought otherwise. My child was going to have a name, a name that would make him his own person. His father nor I didn’t make him who he was. We just made him.

 And I loved him irrevocably.

Eli answered, telling me he wanted Chinese so I called in The Golden Kingdom, ordering his favorites. I ended up sitting in the living room with him whilst watching Toy Story 3 when the doorbell rang, making me frown because we were getting to the best part and the Chinese shouldn’t have gotten here so early. Sighing, I got up and left a tired Eli sitting on the edge of the couch, laying on his chubby arm and grinning at the television. Whether this kid was tired or not, he would never miss Toy Story. Even if he’d seen it over a million times.

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