Week 17: Guardian Angel

Start from the beginning

*Prionsa's POV*

I have been watching Gloom trying to change his eyes colors and shrink his horns to appear more human for a while and I can tell his his struggling. I walk in the bathroom, stand beside him and face the mirror ''Focus on my eyes color, Angel, I know you can do it.'' He closes his eyes, take a deep breath and look at my eyes through the mirror. I can see his yellow and red eyes slowly changing to become dark brown like mine. I give him a small kiss and go to the living room to grab his beanie that he left on the coffee table ''I know the horns are hard for you to hide, so let's take the beanie like we always do.'' I can see Gloom visibly relax while putting on the black beanie ''Thanks. We should go now I guess?''

I nod and we get to my car and I drive to this small restaurant where Gloom decided to meet her mother. I try my best to calm him down while driving by holding his hand and put his favorite music on, but he is still playing with his mask or chewing on his fingers. I usually gently slap his hand out of his mouth, but today I will let is slide. It is indeed a really stressful day. When I turn into the small parking lot, I give Gloom's father a small wave. Gloom told me he asked his father to come with us and I couldn't agree more. The more support Gloom would get, the better. I give Gloom's hand an encouraging squeeze and we go meet his father. Gloom gives him a quick side hug and I can't help but smile stupidly at the gesture. Their father and son bond is growing stronger and it makes me really happy. Now let's hope things will get better between him and his mother...

*Gloom's POV*

The three of us head towards the restaurant and let the waitress show us to the table they assigned us. I can't sit still, I'm still wondering if this was a good idea. My father gives me an encouraging tap in the back while Pri is gently rubbing my hand in a circular motion.  Iclose my eyes and try to steady my breathing. I can hear the bell on the top of the door chime and I stare at Pri who is facing the door. He nod slightly and my father waves to the person that just came in. I can hear her footsteps getting closer and closer. As she stops right beside me, my father stands up and introduce everyone. Her name is Beatrice. I can't get myself to look at her, but as she sits on the empty chair in front of me and say ''I thought we would meet alone, son.'' I stare back at her with such anger in my eyes that she step back in her chair. I tell her in a really low voice ''My father told me to never talk to stranger so I thought it would be better to not be alone with one.'' I cross my arms on my chest and lean back on my chair. Giving myself the most distance possible between me and her. I have so many questions. So many things that I want to tell her, to scream at her, but nothing comes out. A long and awkward silence float around us, but luckily for us, the waitress comes to take our orders, giving us a distraction.

Once she leaves, Pri clears his throat and asks ''So, Beatrice, you are the leader of the Guardian Angels?'' She sits up straight and tall on her chair ''Oh,yes, thanks for asking sweet heart, you see it's such an amazing and important job...'' And she goes on and on about how essential her job is and how she and all her small Angels saved so many lives and how she loves everything about it and bla bla bla. I was barely listening and again the waitress came to our rescue by giving us our food. We thank her greatly, and then Beatrice looks back at me again and say ''Anyways, I was hoping that my dearest son here would come with me to begin is long overdue training as a Guardian!'' We all stare back at her. Did she really had the audacity to say that? I can't take this any longer ''First of all, don't call me 'son' you didn't earn the title of 'mother' yet. Second of all, I'm not a guardian angel, I'm an Angel of D...''

''Your amazing powers of Life and your boyfriend here would beg to differ about that.''

''Don't you dare talk about him or our bond! And my powers are my powers! And you know what? I'm done here.'' and I stand up and leave, ignoring their protest.

I make it out of the restaurant, but she grabs my arm and make me look at her ''Please, just take this.'' And she show me this weird looking necklace ''I don't want or need anything from you!'' I push her out of my way and lock myself in the car. Waiting for Pri to come in too. Which he does not really long after me. Before getting in the car, he tells to the woman that dares to call herself my mother that my father wants to talk to her and she should go back inside. We then drive back home, music all the way up to try to drown my thoughts. Iti s not really working, but atleast I can focus on something else. Or atleast try to.

*Lucifer's POV*

As soon as Beatrice comes back to the table, I don't give her the chance to talk and tell her ''I am not paying for you stuff so you better have something to pay.'' I thank the waitress when she hands me the leftovers of the food we barely touched and before leaving, I look straight into her eyes and asks her ''If Gloom was born like the little Angel you wanted him to be... Would you have left with him without telling me... Leaving me alone without the chance of ever seeing my son again?'' She doesn't answer anything but the look in her eyes tells me everything that I need to know. I pass by her and leave without looking back, but I still can feel the black smoke trailing behind me. Saying that I was angry would be an understatement. Once I'm out the door, I snap my fingers to teleport in front of Gloom and Pri's house. I pop in as they pull in the drive way. We all look at each other, all knowing that this was a bad idea. I can see how distress my son is, I look at Pri and simply nods his head, he got this. He is going to support him no matter what. I give Gloom a big hug and say in a whisper ''Do you want me to stay?''

''...It's okay, you can go if you need to...''

I let out a long and loud sigh ''Call me if you need anything, okay?''

They both nods and I snap myself back to the Underworld, but instead of going to the throne room as I usually do, I teleport to my room and let all my mixed up emotions loose. She is going to pay for that. I don't know how yet, but she is going to pay. Everything she said about her job... All the not so subtle ways of saying that my job wasn't as good... How she tried to take my son away from me... How could I be so blind and stupid and trusting her all those years ago?

*Third POV*

As Lucifer let his emotions take over, everyone in the Underworld can feel the temperature slowly rising. The reassuring and warm flames that were lighting the way to the castle rising and rising until they look like a gigantic blaze of red and black flames. All the creatures that are the closest to the King of the Underworld are getting either scared or excited about what is about to come. They can feel the anger the violence in the air...


a/n I'm not a 100% satisfied with this chapter, but it's a good start .And oh do I love those characters too! I have so much things to write!! I will have to challenge myself to write my two sequels. Probably when I will be done with this challenge. No I am not procrastinating my the writing of those two books, what are you talking about!?

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