|Regret Is A New Thing|

Start from the beginning

I had the same exact dream I have every single night. Darkness around me, lonely streets covered in rain, cars riding past. I clutch my machine gun letting it rain on my enemies while I lean halfway out of my car. Seeing the bodies laying around thinking I killed them all I slowly put my gun down. A bullet comes flying in a direction I see no one in. Hitting me directly in my chest, then another in my side, then another in my collar bone.

I fall out of the car landing into the wetness of the rain. The hardness of the streets hitting my back so hard I can feel it. A gasp leaves my lips and I hold my chest trying my hardest to take slow breaths. It's like every intake releases more blood. I can barely keep my eyes open and like every dream I feel the end nearing.

I lift my head up towards the sky only to see a hand reaching out in front of me. Half of my dream so covered in darkness that I can't see her full body just her hand. Her manicured nails, and a healed gash on her wrist. I shake my head being stubborn not wanting anyone to help me. As much as I knew I needed her to live and I couldn't survive without her help I'd rather die in the street than take it. And just when I could feel myself about to go under I reach my hand out just to find she's been moved it away. My savior was no longer there.

I hold my collar bone trying to stop the blood but it just seems to leave my body faster. I hold it with one hand and use the other to try and search the darkness for her but she's gone.

Soon I'm gone too.

• • • •

"Mulo! Mulo! Do you copy?" I hear my dumbass right hand man Sergio trying to talk/whisper yell into the phone.

"Look I don't got time for this shit. Is she in there or not?" I question. Hear me out, somehow I got this idea in my mind it might be a good idea to follow Tahani around. Just to know what I'm dealing with. Might sound crazy but believe it or not I've done crazier.

"Uhhh..." he trails. "I don't know man."

I sigh face palming myself before opening the car door and hopping out. It's had enough her ass led us all the way across town to this uppity ass neighborhood now I got to be playing spy when she plan was for Sergio to see what she was doing and record it for me to see. Now I guess I get to see it head on.

The last thing I feel like doing is getting out of the car. I've been having the same dreams ever since I was a teenager. Ever since I shot my first body. It's usually always the same. I'm somewhere outside trying to defend myself. Shooting people, they shoot at me but don't none of the bullets hit me. Yet. Towards the end of my dream I always end up getting shot and dying the exact same way. Only difference was this dream actually left me confused. And not the usual questions. This time a hand outreached to me, trying to help me, I didn't take it until the last minute. And when I tried to accept the hand it was gone. I died slowly while in search for it.

If I'm being real I'm not scared of death. But this dream in particular got me thinking.

I spot him in the bushes and walk up smacking him on the back of his head. "Owe!" His loud ass yells. I smack him again shushing him.

"Fuckin' dumbass. They right there." I whisper while pointing to the window on the side of the house I have a straight view on. Honestly if I wanted to yell and get caught I could. But that wasn't really apart of the plan. Then I would be forced to meet her sooner than I'd planned.

Me and Sergio both look into the window from afar. "Damn." He says aloud exactly what's on my mind. I can't lie Tahani Lowars is beautiful and fine. From what I've heard around I knew that she resembles Naomi but in my eyes Tahani is a different type of fine. She looks unique, authentic, one of those types of girls who catch your eye automatically.

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