|In Denial|

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Miguel Garcia•

"Are you stupid?!" My mother snaps. "Seriously are you stupid? Ellas te mataran, ellas nos mataran (they will kill you, they will kill us)."

"Mom I have a plan." I reassure her my main focus being on the blood of the now dead Torin Truman covering it.

"Son you did the right thing. This is all for family and your mother knows that. Ain't that right honey?" He questions with deadliness in her tone. All the anger suddenly drains from her and is replaced with somewhat fear. She nods her head quickly.

I look at the brown skinned man with good health and young features who I got my face from. A scoff leaves my lips as I stand up from the table walking throughout the huge home we are all supposed to be living in. I walk past the living room just to have my niece and nephew run out after me. "Ungle Miggy!" The twins shout in unison.

"Como estan mi sobrina y sobrino favoritos? (How are my favorite niece and nephew?)." I ask while smiling at them kneeling at their five year old feet so that we're leveled and I'm not speaking down to them.

"Buena (good)." Valeria being much more better at Spanish than her twin brother Victor says it first causing a frown to form on his face.

"Uncle Miggy w-what's that?" Victor stutters at times motioning to my suit. I look up me and my older brother Rico looking at one another for a quick second.

"Ketchup." I lie to them. "Hold on I'm going to go clean this off I'll be back in a minute okay?"

"Okay!" They say extra loudly before running back into the other room.

I just shake my head standing up I walk the rest of the way the long steps leading to what would've been my room. As I walk down the halls I see a half naked drunken Veronica leading a man into her bedroom. Believe it or not this is an every night sort of thing, she actually likes getting drunk and sleeping with random guys.

I shake my head again ignoring it I walk into my old room and head for the bathroom. "Y'all wonder why I don't fuckin' live here." I mumble.

When I make it inside I stare in the mirror seeing droplets of blood all on my face. I shame myself for looking like that in front of my nieces and nephews. They are too young, too young to have to live life and grow up around something like this. Don't you see what it's done to my family? My mother willing to be abused on a daily because she wants to live the lavish life of being a mob wife, then there's my father who abuses her on a daily because of all his anger inside, then there's my older brother Rico who has eight children, all different ages, some in different places all around the world, the twins are the only ones he hold close. My brother has always been addicted to meaningless sex. Never heard of pulling out even if his life depended on it. And my sister Veronica? She's nothing but a drunk, she drinks in the morning for breakfast, for lunch, hell for dinner too, along with a side of some strange guys dick. When I was younger I found myself fighting a lot of older guys, planning on killing most of them until I found out this was a revolving cycle. I think Ronica actually likes to be used by those men.

Don't you see now? This is my life, and when you're in a game like this everybody has their own way of dealing with the guilt, pain and anger. Can you imagine what mine is?

•Tahani Lowars•

It's like my heart is beating out of my chest and I feel like I'm panicking. I try to take deep breaths to calm myself but it's like each exhale they come out shaky. Even my hand is shaking as I hold it against my ear calling him for the hundredth time. It's been hours since he's left and now the sun is coming up. Where could he be? This isn't like Taj to just leave and not check in or even text me back.

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