Chapter Nine

Depuis le début

"Yeah." I muttered as I eyed all the phones in the shop. "Do you know how I can track a number?"

"Track a number?" The middle-aged man asked, raising a dark eyebrow.

"Someone keeps texting me, I block the number and the person texts me again with a new number. Do you know if there's a way I could find out who it is?"

The gave me a sympathetic look but shook his head. "Sorry love, your best option would be to get a new number."

That was actually a good idea, if the creepy man told someone what happened and we had to hide we would need new numbers so no one could track us down.

"How much are these phones?" I pointed at two Samsung phones.

"These are new so they're £495 each. We have second-hand phones on the other side."

I browsed the second-hand section before finding two phones that I liked. "Can I have two sim cards as well?"

"Sure." The man said as he packed up the phones I selected. "What network?"

"EE, please."

After I got everything I needed, I decided to head over to Sainsbury's to get some Galaxy for Cami before heading back home. As I sat in my car in the car park I thought about what our life had become. I never in a million years pictured my life this way and my heart clenched tightly as I thought about what Cami went through.

Maybe we didn't have to leave, there was another option. I had to do it for Cami.

Making my mind up, I sent a message to Uncle Tom asking him if it would be okay for Cami to stay over for a couple of weeks. I could persuade Cami to stay with Uncle Tom for a bit while I tired to figure out who the creep was.

Maybe I could get him to stay quiet? I winced and swallowed the bile in my throat as I thought about what I would have to do in order to make sure he stayed quiet.

Once I got home, I called out for Cami. "Cami, I'm home!"

"Upstairs!" She yelled back.

I headed upstairs to find her folding some clothes on the bed.

I threw her the chocolate and she sent me a grateful smile. "We need to talk."

"What is it?" She asked hesitantly as she unwrapped her chocolate bar.

"I texted Uncle Tom about staying over there for a while and he said that's fine." I told her as I stroked Misty who was sleeping on the bed.

"Okay, it'll be nice to see everyone. When are we leaving?"

Uncle Tom had replied back and said we were welcome to come at any time and that both him and Aunt Jess will get Cami's old room ready for her.

I grabbed the clothes from Cami's hand. "I'm not coming with you."

"What? You said we were both leaving, you literally said that like an hour ago."

"I know and I'll join you there later. For now I need to find out who's been sending us those messages."

"No." Cami said as she stood up. "I'm not going without you."

"Cami please, let me just figure out who is doing this and then I'll come too. Maybe I can convince the person not to tell anyone and then we wouldn't have to leave at all. This is just temporary."

"No, I'm not going anywhere without you. If you're staying so am I."

I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. "Cami, lis-"

"No, Nala. I get to decide too, it's not just your choice." She snapped at me before storming out the room.

"Urgh." I groaned as I leaned back onto the bed. The sound of my phone vibrating had me groaning out again in frustration. "Why can't this tosser just leave me alone?"

Did you like the picture?

Answer me or I'll send it to the police.

With gritted teeth, I replied back to the creep.

Who are you and what do you want?

The reply was instant.

I want you.

I rolled my eyes and replied back. I was no longer scared of this creep, I was just pissed off.

Let's meet up. Somewhere public.

After what felt like ages he replied back.

You looked pretty today.

The message had a picture attached to it. The picture was of me at the phone shop talking to the man at the counter.

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I realised that this creep was following me and was only a few metres away from me. How did I not notice?

The phone started to ring but I didn't pick up, too disgusted as the thought of how close this man was to me. Did I walk past him? Did he follow me all day? Has he followed me in the past?

The phone rang again but I rejected the call.

Who could it be? It had to be someone I know or else how would they have got my number? Or maybe it's friend of a friend? But who would give my number out without asking me?

I knew this would take a lot of time and effort but I didn't care as long as I found out who it was. I could text everyone on my contacts list and ask them of they've given my number out to anyone recently.

Let's play a game.

"Creep." I muttered as I blocked the number and started to draft my message that I would send to everyone.

I'm going to find out who this person is.


A/N: I hope you guys liked the chapter! 

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support!

-Kayy xx

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