"Klavier Being An Perfectionist Idiot"

Start from the beginning

Apollo gave an annoyed look

"Something tells me that's about to be remedied"

he sighed as he took out his notepad and started to ask his questions

'Um, about the crime...'

Klavier huffed

'...Which crime do you mean?'

apollo blinked and stared at him

'The murder, what else!?'

'Oh, that. For me, today has been a hit parade of crimes, you see'

trucy raised a brow as she crossed her arms

'Prosecutor Gavin was singing the blues earlier, wasn't he? ...Something about his hog, and his guitar case'

klavier blushed a very tint shade of red, apollo honestly found that extremely funny

'...Anyway. I'm afraid you know more about the killing of Mr. LeTouse than I do. ...For now, at least'

he mumbled the last part to himself, apollo have him a confused expression, but didn't elaborate

'You were the one who found the body, ja? While we were in the middle of a performance, no less'

'Aren't you going to examine the crime scene, Prosecutor Gavin?'

he shrugged

'I'll leave that to Fräulein Detective. Wouldn't want to step on her toes'

'They're not exactly best buddies are they. Ema and Prosecutor Gavin, I mean'

trucy said, honestly apollo found them both extremely annoying

'Well, what to do next. We've already checked out the scene' 

"Prosecutor Gavin may be right. We might be the most informed, for once"

apollo couldn't help but feel a little glee from that, finally, it was him who wasn't so much in the dark anymore, not even a second later goes buy, when apollo tried to ask about the gavinners, trucy huffed a frsutrated sigh

'I don't believe you, Apollo! How can you come to this concert and not know about the Gavinners!?, even daddy knows about them'

apollo grumbled at her, he had more important things to worry about then some stupid band, klavier flipped back his blonde hair as she grinned

'It's not surprising. Why, even our ancestors knew nothing of America's existence once'

'I know America exists dumbass!'

he growled, klavier grin just got wider as trucy patted at his rolled up sleeve

'The Gavinners aren't just an average rock band, Apollo. Each member is connected to the police somehow!'

'The Police?'

she nodded

'The real police! By day they pack heat, but by night they heat up the stage! By day those lips interrogate, by night they sing songs of unrequited passion!'

apollo stared at her

'...Um, OK'

'They debuted seven years ago with "13 Years Hard Time For Love"... Then came "Love With No Chance Of Parole", and "My Boyfriend Is The Prosecution's Witness". The list of hits goes on and on!'

'This here's my right-hand man. ...Daryan Crescend. I make the melodies, and he attacks them with his guitar. He's a bit of a rogue, really'

daryan grinned back at him

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