Chapter 91; Beginning of Season 3

Start from the beginning

After all, if I were to make an audience with the Emperor, there would be a high chance that I'd stumble upon the Crowned Prince along the way to the area that I'd be destined to go, within the palace. No matter how big the Imperial Palace could be, coincidences could be quite frightening. That's why, it'd depend on my luck whether I could avoid that kind of disastrous event from happening upon my side.

It's not like I have the right to refuse an order coming out from the Emperor, himself, either.

Although I had been aware of that, I couldn't help but ask for the sake of a solid clarification.

"It isn't completely unavoidable, is it?"

"Unfortunately, it cannot be refuted. I've owed him a debt a little while back, and this is the payment that he requires from me, it seems."

"Ha...", I feigned my laughter at his sentence.

How is this not different from selling me out? I immediately understood the meaning behind his words, and became grateful that it didn't involve a more brutal situation.

It was to be expected because now, I already knew what my existence was like to him. Thanks to this particular development, I've obtained a confirmation that clinging to the Duke has been truly foolish and hopeless.

For to his view, I had been no more than a recyclable trash that he could dump anywhere and reuse anytime, to his advantage. Quite laughable, I must say.

How pointless it was... The years that I've spent to regain his parental affection toward me, back in the day.

"A private audience, I see. Very well. I shall pour my utmost to achieve satisfying results from this meeting, your grace."

The Duke halted his hand from writing with his quill pen and quietly stared at my direction intently, as if he was suspecting some kind of trouble to happen due to this issue.

"If you ever bring a storm from this incident, you'll be the only one to be blown away by its gust. Beware of your impoliteness-"

"Melissa Ernel.", he substantially uttered as though he was warning me to avoid screwing this up as much as possible.

True, he'd abandon me all alone if something majorly bad really did happen so the responsibility would only come to me, just like what he did when I was previously accused of murdering the soon-to-be Empress in this second life of mine. I don't know whether (Natasha, being the second ruler)it'd still end up that way though, because of my interferences.

Nevertheless, the current situation didn't have much changes if I were to compare it to the happenings from my past life. All that's different was how I was informed of the solution to the mysteries of the Duchess' disappearance, which I wasn't aware about unless time rewound itself.

Of course, this meeting of mine with the Emperor as soon as the trial ended, also existed, as far as I remember. But on the previous timeline, I insisted not to go by throwing a tantrum, saying that I'd never leave my room no matter the means that the Duke would do to persuade me.

To make it short, let's just say that I sulked at the thought that when I began to expect that he finally noticed my presence, it was only about nonchalantly ordering me around to go to the palace, as His Majesty, the Emperor commanded. Recalling it now, the idea that I came up with to reject the invitation was quite ridiculous, but what did you expect from a twelve-year-old child on her puberty?

Though, surprisingly I made it through successfully at the very end.

Now that I've mentioned it, I'm a bit puzzled of the purpose of my upcoming private audience with the Emperor.

For what reason did he wish to meet up with someone like me, I wonder?

With that in mind, I found myself standing in front of the gates of the Imperial Palace the following day.

While taking a deep breath, I prayed for myself to be struck by luck this day, avoiding the possibility of running into 'that person', at all cost.

"I have come in response to the requested private audience with His Majesty, the Emperor. My name is Melissa Ernel of the Shevaria Ducal Family."

"We have been anticipating for your arrival, your ladyship. But, that person on the back is-?"

The guard asked, looking at the black-haired juvenile that accompanied me in my visit.

"He is my personal bodyguard, Aiden Faremanne. I believe, there were no rules that personal bodyguards may not enter with his master, inside the palace."

"It's just as the lady says, but please bear in mind that this young man will not be able to enter the private audience room once we reach there."

The conversation ended there and the other person proceeded to escort me on my way to the room that I was destined to enter. The nervousness still dwelled within me but the fact that Aiden would be by my side in the meantime made me feel reassured even if it was just slight.

Perhaps, I was influenced at some point since the time that he dragged me away from when I stumbled upon Natasha, during the Mourning Day.

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