Forgive but never forget...Maybe

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So today everybody was going their separate ways and when I say separate ways, I mean everybody was going home to their own house. As I was picking Quan came walking into the room then sitting on the bed.

"Wassup?" I looked at him.

"I need your help." He said.

"With?" I asked.

"So you know Mal isn't in the right state to be going anywhere or walking and shit. Also we have no home so we'll be staying here at the safe house. I need you to come with me to go house haunting. To find Mal, the kids, and I forever home. We were supposed to do it after our honeymoon but we all saw how that worked out. But what do you say? You in?" He asked as he looked at me.

"Quan you know I'm in bro just tell me when and I'm there." I told him.

"Big bets I really appreciate this bro." He said as he got up.

"No problem anything for you and Mal mehn you know this." I said as I dapped him up.

"Fosho." He said as he dapped me up also then walked out.

    After I packed everything g up I headed into the living room to see everyone there, except for Mal of course. Everyone were saying their goodbyes but, ion know why they saying goodbye cause they know damn well everybody gone see each other later. I dropped y bags in the ground then headed into Mals room.

    "Hey." I said as I sat in the edge of her bed.

     "Hi." She said as she looked at me.

      "How you feeling?" I asked.

       "The same but I'll get better." She told me.

        "I love you Mal." I told her.

        "I love you too Ben." She said as she rested her hand over mines.

       I just looked at her I didn't know what to say her facial expression gave exactly how she was feeling away.

    "I'm going to be ok Ben I promise now, gone head go home and be with ya family." She smiled just a little as she kissed my hand then got back under her covers.

    "Yeah sure you are and y'all know damn well we gone see each other later. They out there being all extra talking bout some goodbye." I told her as I smiled.

    "Well that's them fools for you they just... Extra." She laughed a lil.

    "You right but I'll see you later punk." I said as I got up then kissed her forehead.

     "Ok asshole stay safe." She looked at me.

    "I will." I smiled right before I walked out of the room.

"How she doing?" Dre asked me which caused everyone to look at me.

"She says she still feel the same but she'll be ok. Her facial expressions says otherwise but I trust her." I told them.

"Yeah she be lying." Nykara said with a smile.

"Dad do we really gotta go?" Ali asked.

"What you wanna stay?" I looked at him.

"Yes just for a couple hours please?" He smiled at me.

"Alright I'll pass by for you later." I chuckled.

"Can we stay too?" Jr and Mi'Shante asked.

"Yes." Paris and Malysha said.

"Thank you!" They shouted as they all headed into Nykara room.

Quans POV

   After the kids ran off everyone said their goodbyes once again then they left. Of course I headed back into Mal and I's room with her parents right behind of me.

   "Mal?" Her mom called out to her.

    "Yes momma." She said as she stared at the wall.

    "Can you please talk to us we're so sorry." Her mom said.

    "I forgive you guys." She plainly said as she continued to stare at the wall. "I forgive you and I understand that you were trying to protect me. Totally know? But, I would never understand why you did me like that back in Trinidad, or why you talked to me the way you did, or why you guys put y'all hands on me. But, I forgive you... the both of you it's ok." She said as a tear fell from her face.

    As they looked at her this look of guilt just completely took over their faces. I knew they feel it now but I knew that they also felt it last night. They both kissed her forehead then walked out the room. When they walked out she slowly got up holding her side. I headed over to her to help her up, it was time to change her bandage. I helped her into the bathroom then she lifted her shirt. I undid the bandage and looked at her wound. Some progress was being made but not much. The swelling went down a little also it doesn't look as bruised as it did. I cleaned it then put her ointment on it, after that I wrapped it up.

   "Thank you." She sniffed.

    "No need to thank me." I looked at her. "How you feeling?" I asked.

   "A little better... still in a lot of pain but I can deal with it. I've bin feeling hot as hell lately but I'm fine." She looked at me.

   "You know that you can come to me for whatever, whenever right? Even when you're not feeling well but think you can handle it I still want you to come to me." I told her.

   "I know." She said.

   "Can I get a kiss?" I smiled at her.

   As she stretched to wrap her arms around me I saw a look of pain come over her. As she put her hands back down I carefully picked her up and sat her on the bathroom sink. I looked at and she looked at me, seconds later our lips met. I missed feeling her lips on mine it's bin a while. As we kissed I rested my hands on her cheek. There were sparks flying everywhere, the tension between us was something different. I wanted her...I craved her and she knew that cause I know that she feels the same. After a couple more minutes she bit down on my lip slowly pulling away. She looked at me then gave me a faint smile.

   "I love you." She said as she looked me in the eyes.

   "I love you." I smiled as I rested my forehead onto hers.

   She smiled at me then pecked my lips one more time before I helped her down. We headed back into the room then got into the bed. She cuddled up against me like she always do then went right to sleep. I guess it's nap time then again ha ass is always sleep but what can she do? I turn on the tv then went on Netflix. I put on the movie "Things heard and seen"  to watch until Mal wakes back up.

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