"No no. Just... I- i saw him kissing Hanna. He said it wasn't what I think it was but I don't know Chan... My temper went up after I saw them, it was like my sight just went dark and the first thing i thought of doing was to at least give him a piece of my mind. I knew Jisung saw a glimpse of them too. And I- I didn't know.. I just punched him... just like that. My own best friend." Changbin leaned on his car and was slowly getting emotional now that he's realizing the situation as he summarizes everything out loud. But his phone buzzed and he immediately excused himself to answer the call as he sees Felix's name popped up. "Babe. Are you coming?"

Chan and Seungmin were dumbfounded after hearing what the other said. They tried to absorb the overload of information Changbin just spat and they didn't have the energy to respond at all. They were speechless as a wall.

And that's where Seungmin understood the small murmurs and details Jisung made from time to time that he didn't understand because there was no context for them. When he cried even louder when I asked I.N if he was gonna watch Stray Kids game if it weren't for our meeting earlier. When he wailed even stronger when we passed by a movie poster where the characters were kissing while we were scrolling through Netflix. He now understands.

But as Seungmin keeps repeating what Changbin just said in his mind, a name keeps coming back, Hanna. And he slowly pieced what might have happened.

Chan on the other hand cupped his face and brushed his hair in disappointment, both for Minho and Changbin.

This was one of the things he was worried about

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This was one of the things he was worried about. He knew from the start Minho was still finding out who he really is and he might still be confused.

But as the guy that he is, he immediately cleared his head and stopped himself from overthinking before it gets worse for him.

The story was still not complete and was still blurry, they still need to hear Minho's side, especially his side since he was saying it wasn't what Changbin saw it was. And there's one thing he knows for sure, Minho loves Jisung and he will never do anything to hurt the other.

"Okay. Listen. I know this is messed up but let's trust Minho. We know he isn't like that. Especially you Changbin. You're the first person who should have trusted him out of all the people. You know him more than anyone."

"I know Chan. I know. I've been thinking for the past couple of hours. And I realized how everything that's been happening to us recently always involved Hanna. Always. Why didn't I think of that in the first place? I should have let him explain and helped him instead. What if something happened to him that's why we can't reach him? It's my fault right?"

"Okay don't overthink. We are talking about Minho here. He's the most independent out of all of us. He can handle himself. We just have to find him. And it's not your fault if anything happens, don't blame yourself. Anyways is Felix coming?"

"Parents wouldn't allow him. But he's currently browsing recent pictures of our schoolmates in IG where he can link Minho might be. I don't know if it will work but he said he pinged a location in Minho's GPS an hour or two ago but he lost it so dead end on his part. But him being at home with his tech stuff is already a bigger help than any of us here just waiting for news about the situation at all. Hyunjin's source is our only hope for now."

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