PART 124

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A/N : sorry about being slow with the updates, i'm working on 3 books rn, this one, rockstars, and don't tell me you love me, WHICHHHH are going to be coming out soon and i think i'm gonna try to wrap this one up soon but not sure how to yet.

"Alright i started putting a tune to the lyrics you wrote yesterday." Travis says as we sit down at the table in the studio.

"Now jaden, your part is going to be a different sound from Lydia's verses." Travis pulls out a sheet of paper.

Jaden stands up and walks towards the recording booth, "Put on a beat i'm gonna try to freestyle."

I shrug as Travis turns his head to me and switches on some music.

I watch as he puts the headphones on, "My depression, and misconceptions and all the mistakes that lead to lessons, my depression it makes me question, my depression it makes me question."

"J that sounds so fucking good." I say.

"I was just tossing some words around." He shrugs as he takes his headphones off and walks back over to us.

"Tossing words around my ass." I laugh.

I pull into the driveway of the sway house and open the door, Jaden gets out and turns towards me, "Are we going back tonight?" He asks.

"Back?" I ask, "To whore house." He says.

"oh, OH , yeah probably." I shrug, "We?" I ask after a second.

"Well i was thinking about moving in with you cause all the sway boys hate me." He says.

"They don't hate you, i mean Bryce and Josh do, Quinton, Blake, and Griffin definitely don't Noah and Anthony have been neutral this whole time, and Kios been too wrapped up with his new girlfriends to even care about what's going on." I say as i start walking towards the door.

"Well, wair girlfriends?" He asks and i nod, "No fucking clue, he always has a new girl over and most of them are the absolute worst." I pull open the door.

I walk inside and see Bryce sitting on the couch watching Tv, "Hey i'll be up in a minute." I say as i look at Jaden.

I turn and start walking towards the living room, "Asshole i gotta talk to you." I say as i sit down next to him.

"About?" He sighs, "I wanted to say thank you for helping me with Jaden." I say.

"I didnt do it for him." He sighs, "It doesn't matter who you did it for, just thank you." I say.

"You planning on moving back in?" Bryce asks as he looks at me.

"I really don't know." I sigh, "I mean Jadens pretty sure tha-"

"What does Jaden have to do with this?" He asks and i roll my eyes, "He's really important to me Bryce."

"Important enough to be your boyfriend?" He asks and i sigh, "We're not dating."

"You may have everyone else fooled, but i know my sister, i can tell when you're head over heels for someone."

I raise an eyebrow, "Well i mean we used to date so of course i seem like i'm in love with him."

"Drop the act, Lyd." He sighs.

"Fine, yeah we're dating again." I say and Bryce stands up, "K i'm gonna go do...actually i can't really do anything because your psychotic boyfriend shot my leg." He says as he picks up his second crutch and heads towards his room.

"Bryce stop." I stand up and walk after him, "Does your stupid little rivalry really matter more then my happiness??"

"It's not a stupid rivalry, he fucking shot me." Bryce says as he pushes open his bedroom door.

"Ok it's not a stupid rivalry." I sigh, "But you have to hear me out, you're both important parts of my life and i care about you both more then anything."

"If you cared about me, you wouldn't be sneaking around with the man who wants to kill me." Bryce spits out.

"He's changing Bryce!" I shout.

"He's not changing and you're to stupid to notice that." He says firmly.



"wowwww so now it's my fault that you have a drinking problem." I cross my arms.

"Yes actually, yes it is." He says with a laugh.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a fuck up and occupied all of moms time with your stupid problems Dad wouldnt have had the reason to fuck you!" I shout, as soon as the words come out i slap my hands over my mouth.

"Bryce i-"

"Get out of this house right now." He says firmly.

let's get high~ COMPLETED 4/22Where stories live. Discover now