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Bryce grabs onto Addisons hand and starts walking back towards his room. I slowly look back at Jaden and cross my arms "Jaden." i say and he looks up "What?" he asks, and i raise an eyebrow "How did you know about the store?" i ask and he starts walking towards the kitchen "What store?" he asks while he grabs a bottle of tequila and pours himself a shot, "Jaden can you put down the tequila and talk to me??" i ask and he shrugs as he downs the shot and i sigh.

He walks over to me and pats me on the head "Don't worry about it." he says and i grab his arm to remove it from my head, "Jaden you're not leaving this room until you tell me what's going on." i say and he groans as he walks back to the kitchen island, "It's nothing princess." he says as he grabs the tequila bottle and takes a sip from it, "You know what." i start to say, "Go on get drunk and ruin your life again." i say as i start walking out of the kitchen.
I run upstairs to my room and slam the door, i slowly walk towards my bed and climb it, pulling the covers over my head i sigh as i shut my eyes.

"Lyd?" a distant voice echoes, "Lyd??" the voice calls again, i slowly open my eyes and see Jaden stumbling towards my bed, "Jaden?" i ask as i rub my eyes, he climbs onto my bed and smiles at me "hi baby." he says and i can smell the alcohol on his breath, "Jaden you're drunk." i say and he shakes his head as he rests it onto my chest.

"i'm not drunk silly." he slurs "Jaden." i sigh and he groans "what." he asks and he looks up at me "oh by the way i killed jake." he says with a laugh and i quickly sit up "WHAT??" i ask as i push his head off of me, he frowns as i stand up "where are you going? come back here and cuddle with me." he groans and i flick my light switch on, "what did you say?" i ask again and he shrugs "I killed Jake." he says again as he stands up "It was actually quite easy, putting a little cyanide under his tongue which makes it look like he had a heart attack which is a common side affect of cocaine." he says.

"And everyone thought it was an overdose, people are so naive it's kinda funny." he says and my mouth drops open "what the fuck is wrong with you??" i yell and he frowns "what did i do?" he asks and i shake my head with a laugh "do you even hear yourself right now?? you sound insane." i shout and he starts walking towards me "Jaden stay away from me right now, you're drunk and need to sleep." i say "I'm fine lydia." he says and i shake my head, "Just stay in here i'll be back ok?"
I quickly walk out of my room and shut the door behind me, i turn the lock and hear the click, i sigh as i start to walk downstairs.

let's get high~ COMPLETED 4/22Where stories live. Discover now