PART 108

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When i push open the door to my room i sigh when i see the word slut written on my wall with red spray paint.

"Mother fucker." I groan as i walk out of the room and head downstairs.

The front door opens and Curtis walks inside, he immediately stops when he sees Avani on the floor. "Um." He says as he looks at her.

"Call an ambulance just say she fell or something i don't know." I say as i shrug and start walking towards Charlis room.

I stand outside her door and hear shouting from the other side.
"i care."

I sigh as i push open the door, Charli turns around and glares at me as i walk in.

"get the fuck away from us." She says.

"nah come closer." Chase laughs and i roll my eyes, "you really wanna be with this asshole?"

"He's not an asshole." Charli says firmly.

I raise an eyebrow, "Charli he cheated on you like i don't know 9 times??"

"9 TIMES?? YOU SAID YOU ONLY HOOKED UP WITH HER ONCE." Charli yells as she turns towards Chase.

Chase shrugs, "One slowly turns into 3 and then 6 and then 9."

"Waittt i get it, you added three everytime." I randomly spit out and both Chase and Charli look at me.

"Congrats you can do 1st grade math." Charli rolls her eyes.

"I want you out of this house." Charli says as she looks at me.

"First of all you don't own this house, you don't even pay fucking rent because your rich ass parents pay it for you." I say as i look at her.

"I don't care who pays what, i want you gone." She says.

"And what about chase?" I ask as i turn my head towards him.

"Hes apologized and we're going out for dinner tonight." Charli says.

"oh bull shit." I say as i roll my eyes, "He's just gonna cheat again the next chance he gets, he's not loyal and you know that."

"I've been pretty loyal to you haven't i? Havent fucked Charli ever since we started." Chase says as he looks at me.

"You've never fucked charli idiot." I sigh.

Chase turns his head towards Charli, "So when is the whole saving yourself crap gonna end."

"It doesn't end until i get married." Charli sighs.

"Sick let's just get married then." Chase says as he stands up.

"No you idiot it means she's saving herself until she's older and feels ready to get married." I sigh.

"Oh well in that case i'm breaking up with you." He shrugs, "I'll be in my room if you change your mind." He says as he walks out of the room.

I turn towards Charli and notice a stray tear running down her face.

I sigh as i walk over to her, "Charli, i know i fucked up and broke your trust and i'm really sorry."

"Lydia you're one of my best friends and you fucked my boyfriend." She sighs.

"Yeah not really sure why i did that... i guess i just miss being in a relationship." I say.

"Well, we both lost two assholes." She says with a laugh and i smile.

"Are we good?" I ask and she nods with a small smile, "I was too good for him anyways." She says with a laugh.

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