PART 106

761 14 2

"Why the fuck do you have that Nessa?" I ask.

"Bryce wanted me to give you some to help you wake up..." She sighs.

"Well...can i have some?" I ask quietly.

"No you idiot you can't have any, i don't want you getting hooked again." She says.

"I'll just take 75 ounces it won't be any harm, plus i'm having a shit ton of anxiety from what happened last night so it'll help." I say.

"No Lydia you can't hav-" She starts saying but without thinking about it i grab the alarm clock that was sitting on the beside table and smash it over her head.

I run over to the bed and throw the pillow on the floor revealing a small bottle of barbiturates.

I grab it and look down at Nessa who was now lying on the floor, "Fuck." I say as i lean down and touch her head, when i looked at my hand i saw a splash of blood on it.

I slowly lift her up and carefully place her down on the bed, i quickly walk out of the room and quickly shut the door.

I run up the stairs and Kio looks up as i walk into the kitchen, "Did you find her?" He asks.

"No i think she went back to whore house i'll just meet her there." I say.

I walk out of the kitchen and start to grab my coat when i end up bumping into Bryce.

"Hey where are you going?" He asks.

"home." i sigh as i pull my coat on.

"You literally just woke up after you passed out from being choked you should at least stay the rest of the day, maybe even overnight." He says.

"If this is just a way to try to get me to move back in, it's not working." I sigh.

"Lydia it's for your own good." He says.

I roll my eyes, "That's what you always say, its for my own good, but it never benefits me it always benefits YOU."

"Are you trying to tell me something Lyd?" He asks.

"Yeah that you're a selfish son of a bitch." I say.

"Ok where did that come from??" He asks.

"I'm just fed up with you acting like i'm a fucking baby, i'll be eighteen in a few weeks i can take care of myself!" I shout.

"Well you're lucky that you actually have someone who wants to take care of you, because i had no one , mom and dad never gave a fuck about me but guess what? I cared for you, i basically gave up most of my years growing up just to take care of you, so try to be thankful that you at least have someone cause i sure as hell didn't." Bryce says and he turns around and starts walking up the stairs.

"Bryce wait i didn't mean it lik-" I start to say.

"Yes, yes you did." He says without turning around.

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