PART 121

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A/N : if you haven't been living under a rock you've obviously heard about the whole jaden nessa mads and josh situation WELLLLLLL i decided to write a story based on it so it's in the works and it's going to be called rockstar
SOOOO look out for it!!


"FOR FUCKS SAKE WHAT?!?" I shout as my eyes shoot open.

I turn my head and see Jaden laying next to me, "Goodmorning to you too." He says.

"Oh sorry i thought you were like Bryce." I say as i sit-up.

"Well that's offensive." He says and i laugh, "sorry, but like why are we up so early?"

"We have to go to the studio remember?" He asks and i groan, "You said that was tomorrow."

"Yeah i said it was tomorrow yesterday." He says and i raise an eyebrow, "Yeah tomorrow, as in the day after today."

"Lydia." Jaden sighs, "I said tomorrow yesterday which means today because yesterday it would've been tomorrow but today it's today."

"Can you say that again but in american?" I ask and Jaden laughs, "You mean english?"

"Huh." I say and he sighs "just get up and get dressed."

"What if i like completely fail." I groan.

"We're just going to be looking at lyrics and trying to find a sound for us." Jaden says as he opens the door to the studio.

"You're going to be great lyd." He says with a smile.

We walk down the hallway and Jaden pushes open on of the doors.

"Travis we're here!" Jaden calls out as he walks into the room.

I look up and see the man that i had pushed out of a window just a few months ago.

"Uh hi Travis." I say with an awkward smile, "Sorry about your uh your leg all healed up?" I ask.

"Yeah mostly, i still gotta go to physical therapy  once a week though." He shrugs.

Jaden clears his throat, "Well this is awkward." he says and Travis motions for us to come sit down.

"I mean i've heard both of you sing, Jaden already has a style but Lydia i've only heard what you posted on insta so do you wanna just get up to the mic and sing something?" Travis asks.

"Sure." I shrug as i stand up and walk towards the recording area.

"What do you wanna sing?" Travis asks as i walk into the recording booth, i grab the set of headphones and place them on my ears.

"I'd love to hear her sing on of my songs." Jaden suggests and i raise an eyebrow, "Aren't you sick of hearing your songs?"

"I'm never sick of hearing you." He smirks and Travis groans, "Ok gross, Lydia you wanna sing pray or like angles and demons?" He asks.

"I'll do pray." I say and Travis nods as he searches for the music.

I turn on the microphone as the music starts, "Heaven only knows what i'm in hell, none of my friends can even tell...i wanna fucking die but i never say it, sick of getting high but i do the same shit, i cant even cry so i try to fake it, i hate it, i pray to god let me die in my sleep, i pray to god let me die in my sleep, i'm as sick of all the secrets i keep but the truth is i don't wanna be me, i pray to god let me die in my sleep."

I finish singing and pull the headphones off, "Was that ok?" I ask.

"That was fucking amazing." Travis says and i look over at Jaden and notice a small tear gleaming in his eyes.

I walk out of the recording booth and Jaden was leaning against the wall, "Did you like it?" I ask as i walk over to him and kiss him on the lips.

I pull back when i notice he didn't kiss back and frown, "Is everything ok?" I ask and he clears his throat, "you guys start writing i'll be back just need some air." He says as he brushes past me and walks out of the room.

I turn my head to watch him leaving and turn back to Travis, "Does he do that a lot?" Travis asks.

"I mean to other people, not to me though..."

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