*not a chapter* ADVICE?

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I know I should be posting this on my message board but I'm too anxious and I fear that my friend will see it.

I am starting my last quadmester of school tomorrow. I have art and French history.

I'm not too worried about art but for history I am so scared. I just got done with my 3rd anxiety attack of the day and it was really bad. I'm a very ugly crier.

The reason I'm so scared is because I had the teacher that teaches history last year for French and she is anything but nice. I guess all French teachers are somewhat unpleasant though?

Anyways, my friend told me today that my history teacher makes her class do presentations practically every second day and always makes them turn on their mics to speak.

Apparently if I don't speak I will get marked off. I understand that she will need an oral mark for me but I am literally incapable of even saying 'ici' for the attendance. It makes me sick.

I can't be doing that. Just the thought of it is making my stomach churn and my eyes are burning with tears.

I don't mean to post this to sound silly or like I'm overreacting I was just wondering if anybody has any advice or tricks that they use to either calm themselves down, or to get out of speaking completely.

I really can't do this and I don't think I can function for the rest of the day.

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