"KATSUKI!?" yells Mitsuki who just returned to her seat.

Bakugou just crosses his arms as he grumbles to himself. Many audience members were surprised that Bakugou can be tamed.

"Bakugou's mom is hot. I wonder if she will go out with me?" Mineta says quietly.

"DUDE? She's still married and also Bakugou's mother. What if he heard you?" exclaims a concerned Kaminari.

"Too late." says a very angry Bakugou.

Mineta was so scared that he looked around for anyone who was willing to help, but they all just ignored him. He then looked at Mitsuki and started running towards her, hoping she would protect him. But before she could reach her, JJ smirked and sent a recap of what Mineta said to Mitsuki's and Masaru's heads since they didn't hear him, which infuriated Mitsuki.

As soon as Mineta jumped towards her with his hands out, Masaru grabbed him by the head. Masaru still retained the same calm look, but Bakugou knew what that meant since he remembers the one time when his dad was pissed off, and it was the scariest thing he has ever seen.

"Looks like we need to have a discussion in one of the panic rooms," Masaru stated as he then walked to the back of the theater with Mineta panicking and trying to escape his grasp but to no avail. Mitsuki was smirking as she always loves how her husband would only get mad to protect the ones he loves.

"Now that the annoyance is gone, any more questions?" JJ asks.

"If this is set in the future, then does that mean that it is also a possible future for us?" Nejire asks.

"It may be possible. This AU has the exact same backstory as you guys, but their past which is technically your future has not happened. So if future events change for you guys, then this future may not happen for you." JJ says as he looks at Kaminari looking so confused as he tries to decipher what he was saying. JJ sighs as he rephrases what he said. "Just take this AU as a possible outcome." as he then starts playing the universe.

The screen shows a hooded figure running on top of a roof to another roof. The figure finally stops at the edge of the building as they then look down at the streets. This is where we get to see a clear image of the figure, the figure wore a black hoodie, black fingerless gloves, combat boots, black jeans, a utility belt, and finally a mask that rests on his face.

 This is where we get to see a clear image of the figure, the figure wore a black hoodie, black fingerless gloves, combat boots, black jeans, a utility belt, and finally a mask that rests on his face

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"Oh, no no-no. That outfit is atroce. If they aren't breaking any laws besides vigilantism, they are certainly breaking fashion laws for it does not sparkle." Aoyama says as he is disgusted by the outfit.

"I like it. He is immersing himself in the darkness by cladding himself as darkness." Tokoyami says.

"Can we at least agree on the fact that the mask is scary?" Mina says, where many audience members agree.

While the figure is watching over the streets, another figure in black jumps on the same rooftop as him as silently as possible, hoping it wouldn't alert him. Sadly to his disappointment, the Masked truth knew that he was there. "You might as well come out of the shadows, there's no point in hiding if I already know that you are here." the hooded figure says. The other figure came out of the shadows and it appears to be Eraserhead.

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