Week 15: Heroes and Villains Part 2

Start from the beginning

He could barely remember what happened, he only remembers that he walked to Miss Chievous' house. But it all looked like a dream. But now, he can feel the really real pain in his whole body. He tries to open his eyes, but only manage to let out a small groan of pain and confusion. He can hear some voices in the distance, he tries to focus and open his eyes again. Right in front of him, in the doorway, Poison Oak and Earthshatter are staring at him, arms crossed on their chests. Poison Oak tilt her head to the side ''Looks like our little hero is finally awake!'' she says while slowly walking closer to him. He can feel the panick rising inside of him. He knows he can't fight or even escape. His body doesn't want to listen to him. Earthshatter let out a small laugh and raise his hands in front of him. Silver Shield close his eyes, waiting anxiously at the pain that is sure to come, but he only hear a voice that comes from the other room ''If you break it, you pay for it!'' The two villains stops in their track, not sure of what to do. Poison Oak is the first to regain her composure ''How dare you help a... Hero like him?'' she blurts out with so much anger in her voice, it makes Silver Shield quiver a bit. Miss Chievous makes her way in the room and stand inbetween the villains and the hero ''Because he is not anymore... You didn't watch the news?'' A long and awkward silence follows her statement. Poison Oak and Earthshatter both staring back and forth at Miss Chievous and Silver Shield. After what looked like an eternity, the three villains nods to each other and they leave the hero and Miss Chievous alone. She slowly turns to him when she hears the front door close, knowing that they are now really alone. She carefully wipe the tears falling on Silver Shield's cheeks and she can hear his faintly whispers ''I am... not... no.... how... why?''

''What happened?'' she asks him

He only shakes his head, not able to say another word. She aks him if he needs to be alone for a bit and he nods his head yes. She gives him a small hand squeeze and leave the room, only stepping back in to give him a glass of water and a little something to eat if he needed ''I will be in the living room when you are ready to talk.'' and leave the room without waiting for an answer that she knows she is not going to get anyway.

It has been a few hours, he stills doesn't understand how everything could have gone that horribly wrong. The only thing he ever wanted was to protect others, be a Hero. And now, everything crumbled down in front of him and he doesn't know what to do. But one thing he knows for sure is that she is going to help. He can't really explain why, but he knows she will do anything to help him. He really carefully sit on the edge of the bed and stands up. His legs are still weak, but he can walk. He put one hand on the wall and makes his way to the living room where Miss Chievous is playing videogame. There is a gap between the room he is in and the couch and he doesn't think he can reach it without falling flat so he clear is throat to catch her attention.

She quickly turns around and jumps out of the couch the moment she sees him standing behind her. She helps him to sit on the couch and then sits beside him and look back at him, waiting for him to be ready to talk to her. He takes a deep breath and explains to her that he recently got a promotion and was really happy to finally be on his first 'Super Secret Super Hero Mission'. He didn't go into much details but he was supposed to inflitrate this Super Villain Base and find a way to stop them. But everything went wrong, he go tcaught and he got hurt. He found a way to escape and ran back to the Hero's headquarter where they took him in. they asked him a thousand questions that he couldn't answer so they put him in this small room. One of the nurse, the one that was the nicest to him before the mission handed him a glass of juice and waited for him to drink it all. the juice tasted a bit weird, but he didn't really question it until he started to feel all dizzy and weird. He tried to speak, but his tongue was like cotton in his mouth and his head was spinning. When the nurse saw how sick he was, she stepped out of the room and he felt like he needed to run. His instinct took over and he couldn't really explain why he felt this way. Maybe it was the satisfied smile he saw on the nurse's face when she saw how helpless he was or the weird questions they asked him instead of rushing him to the emergy room... Anyway he broke the glass down and flew away in the night. Only to make his way back here. He felt like he wasn't safe anywhere in the Hero world anymore. Turns out his fear was real. Everywhere in the news, it was said that Silver Shield had betrayed and turned his back on the Hero Society and that he was now considered armed and dangerou. How could this happened to him? Yes he failed his mission, but he didn't betrayed anyone. Why would they say such lies? She gives him a comforting pat on the shoulder ''Can I ask why you came all the way here?''

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