Who could have sent that it? Did someone actually know what we did? If they did, how? How could they possibly know what happened?

Was it the Alpha? Did he know what we did and now was toying with us? Maybe this was a game for him?

What should we do now? Should we run?

What if the Alpha didn't know and sent that to see what we do? What if it was a test to see if we run or not? And if we run that confirms his suspicion.

Just as I was about to fall asleep my phone vibrated alerting me that I had a message. Groaning slightly I grabbed my phone trying not to move to much as Cami was sleeping beside me.

My eyes squinted and adjusted to the bright phone light as I looked at the unknown number. Deciding that it was probably a wrong number and that I would deal with it later, I put the phone back down on the bedside table only for it to vibrate again.

Felling more annoyed than sleepy now, I sat up and unlocked my phone first putting my phone on silent before clicking on the messages.

Did you like my note?

I know what you did

I rubbed my eyes as I read those messages not fully comprehending what I was reading.

Another message came through.

I know you're there.

I almost jumped up from bed, my heart pounding as I looked around. I typed a message back, my hands trembling as I hit the send button.

Who is this?

My heart felt like heavy in my chest as I waited for a response.

Did you like my note?

I waited for more but no other messages came so I texted back.

I don't know what you're talking about

The reply was almost instant and my eyes widened as I read it.

Don't play dumb Nala, you're smarter than that.

I got out of bed and grabbed my robe that was draped across my desk girl. I quickly left my bedroom and headed downstairs. I didn't want to risk waking Cami up.

Who are you? What do you want? The joke isn't funny.

There was no response for a few minutes causing me to feel agitated. I went into the kitchen and poured myself a cold glass of water.

I know what you did.

The constant repeating of the same message was starting to piss me off. Clearly this was just someone playing a joke.

Fuck off, I'm blocking you

I was ready to block and delete the number when another message came through.

I wouldn't do that if I was you, I saw you that day. I saw what you did and I know what's in Saddleworth Moors.

My phone slipped out of my hand and I felt my breath come out in short, ragged gasps. This wasn't a joke, someone knew what we did. Someone actually saw us!

The phone lit up again with another message and I closed my eyes, too afraid to open it and read what it said.

You're going to do what I say or else I'm going tell everyone what you did.

I wasn't sure if I should play dumb or not, what if that angered them? There was no doubt about it, someone knew what we did and if we didn't do what they wanted they would tell everyone.

What do you want?

Instead of a text message, the phone lit up showing that I had an incoming call from this person. I hesitantly answered the call, unsure of what to expect.

"Hello?" I breathed into the phone.

It was silent for a few seconds and before a muffled voice began to speak.

"Hello Nala."

I frowned as I clutched the phone closer to me, trying to see if I could recognise the male voice but it was no use. Whoever was on the other side of the phone was disguising his voice and doing really well at it too.

"Who are you?"

"You'll find out soon. Tell me Nala, what would you do to protect your secret?"

"Anything." I whispered into the phone.

The male on the other side of the phone laughed softly. "Good."

It was silent again before the man started to speak again. "What are you wearing?"

I frowned in confusion and looked down at my clothes. "Erm, my robe."

"Is it the red one you always wear?" The man asked, sounding slightly breathless.

My eyes widened and I spun around towards the kitchen window. Was he there? Could he see me? All I could see was darkness and nothing else. I then realised what he actually said.

"What do you mean by always wear?"

How did he know what I wore at home? Was he...stalking me?

"Answer my question Nala."

"Yes." I responded back quickly not wanting to upset him.

"Take it off."

"What?" I questioned unsure if I heard correctly.

"Take off your clothes."


A/N: I hope you guys like this chapter

Let me know who you think it could be!

Thank you to everyone who reads, comments and votes. I really appreciate your support. 

-Kayy xx

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