Chapter Fourteen-III

Start from the beginning

Though she solemnly knew a few of her relatives but She wasn't THAT close to this Aunt of hers,as much as she was with her son bambam..But his mom was an exception,she encompasses everyone she meets..She can bond with anyone easily..Though she was the sweetest amongst her all aunts and lisa liked her too but she just can't overlook the fact that,she was one hell of a social butterfly...

And also why not,she was bambam the great' mom after all.....So obviously she was ought to be Flibbertigibbet like her Raconteur son who got her genes..

[A/N:Flibbertigibbet is a synonym of chatty,it's like someone who likes to chat or an excessively talkative person..and Raconteur is a word for someone who speaks in a skillful and amusing way mixing anecdotes with a hint of clumsiness..]

Like this almost 25 minutes passed and lisa couldn't even utter a word inbetween...she was almost on the verge of collapsing..Her head was aching and she frustratingly threw her bag don't know where....

"And that old neighbor of mine kept talking about my kunpimuk..She said she would make my muk her son in law..And i was so angry that i lashed out on her right then and there..And after a lot of hustle,i saved my beloved son...," His mother kept rattling about her son, like how she saved him previously from being snatched..

And Lisa's eyes darted towards the wall clock,it was past 8:26 pm..!Again,Another half an hour were taken out of her life by some baseless nitpicks..And she couldn't even do anything about it..Oh good lord,She was her elder after all..

"Oh dear,I'm noticing you're quiet for a while..why aren't you talking about?I'm the one who's doing all the chats.." finally..Like finally bambam's mom remembered that,there was a girl named lisa on the other side..

Lisa exhaled before talking..But when she was about to talk her voice cracked a bit..

She lost her voice from not talking for a while..Then she cleared her throat and proceeded to speak,

"'s okay..," What else she could utter more...but then she remembered something..And spoke in a rushed manner  but not sounding rush at all so that her aunt doesn't start another session of gossip...

"Aunty,i wanted to ask that where is bambam?I wanted to have a talk with him.." she asked squinting her eyes..

"Oh muk?He's not at home right now.." an innocent tone came floating through   the other side while lisa was flabbergasted..


"oh lisa,listen,i forgot to tell you that muk is out with his girlfriend..You know she's so pretty and kind..i liked her instantly..and we got clicked together on our first meet only.."

here his mother again started her gushes,but lisa was standing shocked!!


"Bambam got what?..aunty?" Lisa again asked to confirm,sounding suspicious..

"Muk,got a girlfriend..And they're getting engaged this weekend..Why are you sounding so surprised..Didn't he tell you about her?"His mother asked but lisa didn't replied back,as all her words were still processing on her head...

"Lisa..Lisa dear..?"

"Aunty can i call you later?My HuSbAnD is calling me.."Lisa retorted while gritting her teeths..She was getting so angry with bambam..

Kunpimuk Bhuwakul Bambam.. ,better take good preparations for this world war 3...

"Oh,your husband is calling? good good.. go and listen well what he wants,okay?I'm hanging up..Stay healthy and be in contact..Okay?" Bambam's mom gleefully replied and lisa while gritting her teeths,managed to sneak a hmm as a reply before hanging up the call..

After ending the call,she gripped her phone tightly,wanting to crush the phone..

As lisa was pissed then..She couldn't even talk to bambam,on top of that he got a girl and did not even tell her,on the other side,not even she could contact Sehun..And Jungkook too left her all alone here!!

"ARE YOU ALL GUYS GHOSTING ME TOGETHER BY SCHEMING BEHIND MY BACK??!!!!!!"She shouted on top of her voice because of frustrations..

After her shout,suddenly the atmosphere became rimy..

Amidst the dead silenced atmosphere alongside with Lisa's loud huffing exhaled breaths,suddenly a ping, toned on her phone and she got startled by it..

After calming her raged breaths,she took a good grip on the phone,which was apparently on her hand,situating it on a good height infront of her face..She opened the message app...

Her eyes enlarged bit by bit as she started reading the message...

She was having mixed feelings,by reading this message..She didn't knew,if she would cry or laugh...But when a single sweat like tear escaped her right eye,she knew..She knew that,that was it..That was not a dream..She was living in it and it was not a drill..

She covered her mouth by her palm not believing it..She again re-read that message..Once..twice..thrice..quadra and more..Yet she couldn't believe her own eyes..

Finally, the thing,she has been dreaming for..the thing she dreamed for,was finally going to take place..And it was all because of HIM..He was the reason behind her happiness..

She smilingly sat on the couch with a thump and spreads her arms wide against the armrest of the couch,trying to recuperate all the drained energy happily while closing her eyes...

"Haaah...Finally..finally it's happening.." She murmured,with a pacificatory smile....

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