Never did Aiyora think that a day would come when she wouldn't be able to look at the person who happens to be her world. She had never experienced guilt of such intensity.

Seriously, what has she even done to deserve such a gem of a person in her life?

The pureblood walked over and joined her half sibling on the divan to cuddle him... possibly for the last time.

The urge to hug him tightly was making her bones ache. But what made her hold back was the fear of physically hurting him. She had already done enough damage and didn't want to cause further harm.

Therefore using whatever strength she had left in her, Aiyora healed him, just the way she had done to Rima.




They remained cuddling for a long time. With no idea of when Senri was actually going to wake up, Aiyora was in no rush either. Actually she preferred it this way. Because if the Shiki heir was awake, it would have been difficult for her. As at this point she's unsure of how to face him.

A part of Aiyora that usually is controlled by darkness, contemplated on the idea of erasing his memories of her. So that he can have a fresh start with Rima. But then, the rational part of her stopped her, before she could put that idea to action. Because erasing ones memory is never a permanent solution. Once the memory returns the pain doubles. And a manipulative act like this on him— Senri will probably never ever forgive her.

Suddenly there was a movement. A subtle one, very vague and hardly recognizable.

It prompted the pureblood to rise up slightly to check. Her intuition was right, Ri-chan was indeed awakening. While excitement seeped through her, simultaneously, nervousness also wrecked her. The young pureblood found herself being happy and sad at the same time. Happy that her Ri-chan was coming back to life, sad because she will have to leave. If he remained sleeping, she could have been by his side longer.

Thus a battle begun between the excitement and nervousness...

He stirred again and this time the fingers of the left hand started to move.

And the battle ended! It ended with the latter's victory!

So when Shiki Senri opened his eyes, there was no sign of Aiyora.

However, her aroma still lingered in the air, and her warmth beside him still remained. The only sign that she was with him until the moment his eyes opened.

A soft barely noticeable smile made it's way onto the maroon haired model's lips.

Sometimes you're so silly Ai-chan.


The sound of rushed footsteps brought a serene smile to the brunette pureblood's face.

It made his heart throb in anticipation.

The footsteps kept getting nearer and nearer. Perhaps only a moment until—

The figure collided with his form from behind and engulfed him into a tight embrace.

His chain of thought was cut short. Body jolted from the predictable shock and a muted moan left his lips. The impact also caused couple of buttons at the top of his shirt to come undone. As a result, unknowingly she clutched onto the unclothed part of his chest. One of her hand latched onto him so tightly that her nails dug in deep enough into the flesh and caused him to bleed.

Vampire Knight (Kaname Kuran X OC X Senri)Where stories live. Discover now