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Inspired by (Eyedress's)

"Alright Everyone huddle up, I'll start assigning groups now." Student's started circling around the fire the teachers had made.

I took a deep breath, trying not to go right ahead and strangle my sorry ass teacher Who was the one who came up with the idea of this trip.

I could be in bed right now, comfortably watching Netflix while eating chocolate cake. But no, stupid ass mrs.lee had to go ahead and plan this equally stupid ass trip. And for the whole grade too. Like what was the reason? Where was she tryna get at.

Not just that, she planned the trip to the worse place ever too. A fucking Forrest. A rain one at that. With mosquitos constantly sucking on my smooth skin, which may I mention i took attentive care of. Unlike most.

Taehyung started dragging me towards the group of huddle up teenagers snapping me out of my own thoughts much to my dismiss. Kim taehyung.

My only real friend, quiet kid. Who doesn't talk much to others, but has hella shit going on in his mind, which only Myself has heard of, of course. Considering i was the only person he talked to, and vice versa. Taehyung, who may I mention is also kiss ass jeon's half brother.

Taehyung's mother did a good job raising him I can tell you that for sure, but it makes me wonder where it went wrong with jungkook.

We finally settled with the group of talking seniors while all three teachers in charge stepped forwards beginning to explain.

"As you all know, you will be completing a treasure hunt on out time here, to keep you occupied. Since these are all the senior classes of the school, and there are 90 of you. We will be dividing you into groups of three, which would make for 30 students in each group.

I'll call the names of each students along with their group number, I would like for you guys to go huddle up with your group once I call your name and number"

Mrs.lee finished, and immediately started calling students names telling them their numbers.

As groups started forming, I anxiously tapped my foot waiting for my name to be called, praying for jungkook not to be one of the 30 in my group.

"Group two. Would be Kim taehyung, as well as jeon jungkook along with park jimin—" I stopped listening to the rest of the names being called as soon as mine was mentioned, right after crusty toe looking ass jeon.

My eyes instantly searched for jungkook across the huddle of moving students, who not surprisingly was already staring back. Eyes full of hatred, I very happily returned the stare.

My eyes landed on the bitch next to him, clinging to his arm like a monkey clinging onto a tree. I gave her a quick glare  before forcing my eyes away from them.

Me and taehyung made our way towards our group And I didn't spare jungkook another glance as I Impatiently taped my foot against the wet grass. Bad habits die hard.

"Alright! Since all the groups are settled, you guys can start. You'll be finding letters along the way with clues in them. The group that successfully retreats the treasure first will have two weeks off of homework. The last group to get here will clean the bathrooms after school for three days."

Everyone groaned and started complaining amounts themselves. But they were quick to start walking as soon as the teacher blew the whistle indicating us to start. The groups started going deeper into the forest, carefully searching for the first letter.

"Just my fucking luck, I had to be in the same group as him." Why does god hate me? Why is the universe torturing me today?

Taehyung shook his head next to me. "I get it he's your ex and you guys h-". I didn't wanna hear it. I really didn't wanna fucking hear it. Not today.

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