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Inspired by (Bolbbalgan4's)
/some\ 🍵

(I know nothing about tattoo making so spare me if somethings wrong)

Jimin slowly pushed open the heavy glass door walking inside the tattoo parlor.

This was it, he was doing it.

It was him and jungkook's two years Anniversary. And he was making a big decision today.

He was getting jungkook's name tattooed on him, by jungkook himself.

He didn't know, which is why Jimin's showing up unexpectedly.

Jungkook works from 9Am to 8Pm. He opened his own tattoo parlor about five years ago. That's one thing jimin absolutely loved and admired about him he's the hardest worker he knows.

He loved seeing the smiles on people's faces when they look at their newly done ink. It was something special to him, and jimin loved that.

How much a tattoo could bring a smile to a person, and the person who did it. Considering that they were both covered in ink themselves, some done by each other.

Jimin also tattooed, but not a lot. It was just a fun hobby to him. But it was jungkook's dream and job, that he did extremely well may he mention.

Jimin wasn't good at commitment before he met jungkook, and he hadn't exactly wanna commit to anyone back then.

But he couldn't help falling in love with the equally tattooed boy, that he happened to deliver a pizza for two years ago.

New People weren't always nice to jimin, simply because of his tattoos. He was covered in them, every limb and all over his neck.

Society wasn't very fond of them, especially there in South Korea. Where they were considered taboo.

So imagine his shock when his eyes landed on a tall slim boy covered in tattoos from head to toe. Wearing nothing but a tank top, openly showing them off. Not covering them like everyone else that happened to have a certain amount.

Jimin never covered his, so he was surprised to see someone else not doing it too. It felt nice. Not to mention the unbelievable attraction he felt towards jungkook.

He took a deep breath. God he was nervous.

How would jungkook react to him getting a tattoo of his name? And especially in the place he has in mind.

A tattoo is something permanent.

What if they break up?

What will jimin do then? Easy.

Live with it. Live with it for the rest of his days. Because even if they do break up. Jungkook will always be someone special in Jimin's heart, a reminder of something so great and wonderful that happened in his life.

The placing of the tattoo is what's kinda. . . Questionable.

But the placing of the tattoo is for Jimin's own pleasing. To get a certain reaction out of his boyfriend.

"Oh, jimin. What are you doing here." Yoongi snapped jimin out of his thoughts as he walked into the room sitting on the front desk.

"Hi hyung" jimin walked towards Yoongi. "I'm here for a tattoo." He rested his chin on his palm.

"Oh okay. Kook is busy right now with a client, so you'll have to wait a bit." Yoongi responded taking a gulp of his monster. "What are you getting this time, lips? Skull? Or the other half of the heart he inked on you?"

Jimin bit his lip. "I'm getting his name." Yoongi choked on his drink. ". . . On my ass"

He started choking even more, he sounded like a dying hyena. He started hitting on his chest repeatedly.

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