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Inspired by (Astrid S's).  
/hurt so good\ 🎭

"Can you turn that shit off!!" jimin yelled while turning around facing the wall trying to fall back asleep. Trying to, which most likely won't happen anytime soon. Maybe even at all.

Jungkook ignored his protest and turned the music even louder. Why. . .you may wonder? Well that's easy... simply just for the fun of it.

Poor jimin honestly he pitied himself, he should've known better. Of course jungkook would decide to come back to they're dorm the one day jimin felt the most tired. He should've stayed over at taehyung and Yoongi's dorm, now here he is dealing with the same shit when he should be dreaming about having a whole ass buffet in front of him. But life's a bitch.

He grabbed his pillow from under his head and covered his ears with it. He spend about 10 minutes like that before he heard the obnoxiously loud music come to a stop and the door open rather loudly. Oh thank goodness. Jungkook walked out the bathroom from working out, shirtless and sweaty, he proceeded to grab the heavy weights over on his side of the room.

Now you would think no more music. Jimin can sleep now. Wrong. Jungkook started panting hard and moving around while lifting weights, everything was silent and all you could hear was his heavy breathing and noises. Fucking great. Jimin turned around glaring at jungkook who was to busy now doing sit-ups and panting like crazy.

"One of these days your gonna walk in here, and see all my stuff gone. One of these days I'm really gonna change dorms with someone. One of these'll see." Jungkook stopped doing his sit-ups and gave jimin a glance before chuckling and continuing what he was previously doing.

"Keep promising yourself that. Your too lazy to even get yourself up from bed now imagine you carrying all your shit to another dorm. . .funny." Jungkook said unfazed. He was now doing push-ups.

God how much he hated him. A new word needed to be invented for what jimin felt towards jungkook. What he felt went way beyond hate. You see jimin was a good student, yep good grades loved by teachers stayed on his lane and never did bad shit that effected this education. Studied hard and it payed off because he was one of the top students at his college.

Unfortunately he had to be roomed with the worst of the worst. Jeon jungkook, tattoos piercings. smoked his life away. Not to mention the fact that he stuck his dick in anything that had a hole. Got in fights seven days a week, guys wanted to be him. Girls wanted to do him. Same old same old.

It comes as a surprise that jungkook had pretty good grades...shocking I know. Jimin honestly wouldn't mind being jungkook's roommate, because they each do their own things and never get in each other's way. If he was just a bit quieter, he's just so damn LOUD. At everything.

Plus the dude was a total asshole. Rude to everyone and anyone for absolutely no reason at all. No one talked back to jungkook...too scared to, and I mean no one. Maybe that's why he felt so intrigued when jimin barked back with the same force, but jimin didn't know that of course.

Jungkook was also mysterious. Very. No one knew anything about him or his past. He never talked about his family or personal life. He did have a bold tattoo on his wrist that read SEO YOON. Jimin always wondered if it was just a random tattoo or if it held meaning or even if it was a person that meant something to him.

Jimin's in his junior year as well as jungkook. He's been his roommate for the pass 3 years, and over time hatred was the only thing growing stronger and stronger as the minutes passed by. At first jimin didn't mind jungkook at all, but then it started to become a problem jungkook's LOUDNESS and overall his way of acting towards jimin.

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