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Inspired by (5 seconds of summer's)
/Youngblood\ 🩸

Getting high has it's benefits.

For jimin that is.

Of course once you take out the part of your lungs turning old, moldy and ink dark. And feeling like your gonna pass out after consuming marijuana non-stop for hours.

Once you take out that part, then it is you see the amazing feels of getting high and inhailing deadly smoke through your nostrils that goes to your lungs and over time kills you.

Of course jimin isn't proud of it. But he isn't ashamed of it either.  It makes him forget and he'll do anything to forget.

He's been doing it the last six months, forgetting. That's his favorite thing to do. And getting high helps him do just that.

He loves to forget. He needs it. If he doesn't forget he breaks down. He doesn't like to remember. Jeon jungkook.

Jimin was currently laying on his bedroom floor. Inhaling smoke. Deadly smoke.

He was so high he could barely see. Everything was blurry. But he didn't care.

His phone started ringing. he stood up stumbled a bit but he got to his phone.

"Jimin baby......"

he hung up and threw his phone on his bed. He felt tears forming on the corner of his eyes. So he did what he does best. Forget.

He started inhaling the deadly smoke again. Hours had gone by. But he didn't stop. Until it was to much and he felt like passing out.

he calls him almost everyday. His ex, jeon jungkook. The love of his life. They broke up six months ago. And that's when jimin started his addiction to "forgetting". They loved each other very much a 2 year relationship gone down the drain. They were happy until things started getting bad. Jungkook was always busy, he never had time for jimin. So jimin started going out more.

He would go out with his friends and come home very late everyday . Jungkook would always confront him about it, it would always turn into a huge argument between the two and then them not talking for days. They drove apart, little by little.

Jimin felt like jungkook just didn't care about him anymore, he never had time for him but he did have time for the boys and girls that would constantly call him every nigh. He would feel him get off bed and walk into the bathroom with his phone, for hours sometimes. He thinks jimin didn't notice. It was to much for him so he ended it.

It's been six months without him, and jimin feels like shit. And he's pretty sure jungkook too. Every time he calls him, he's drunk out of his mind. Apparently jungkook also developed an addiction once they broke up. Drinking.

Jungkook has a girlfriend, Lisa. Jimin doesn't like her she's a bitch. (Btw i love you queen in real life 👑 ❤️) they started dating 3 months after jimin and jungkook broke up. She's a famous model. Once he accidentally bumped into jungkook and she was with him. She kept giving him nasty stares.

Recently, jimin was hanging out with his friends in his house. When they turned on the tv and the news where on, they were announcing famous Thailand model lalisa monoban was getting married to a guy named jeon jungkook who she recently started dating, their getting married in two months.

Jimin just stood up and locked himself in his room. He didn't talk to any of his friends the time they were there, he didn't come out his room either. Whenever his friends ask him he always says he's over jungkook and that he couldn't and wouldn't give two shits about him and his life. It's events like that, that show them it's quite the opposite.

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