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Inspired by (MGMT's)
/little dark age\ 🚬

I'll be the devil in your dreams, if you dream of me;)
(God that was so bad, I'll just go.

On another note y'all can imagine how fucking mad at the scammy'a I was, and still fucking am, it's safe to say there was literal smoke coming out of me and my cousins ears💀 honestly FUCK THEM.

Also sorry for updating late, hehe)

Jungkook checked his outfit in the mirror one more time, before stepping out of his room adjusting his black leather jacket.

He slowly trailed down the stairs, feeling his pack of cigarettes inside his pocket.

"And where exactly do you think your going?" Jungkook turned around meeting eye to eye, with his stepmother. She had her arms crossed while she leaned against the creaky stairs, night gown dropping over her shoulder.

"That's for me to know" jungkook smirked. "And for you not to know"

Before she could even react, jungkook was already out the door.

Ah, how he loved to get her sorry ass, all riled up.

He peacefully walked towards the familiar huge yellow bridge. Winter was near so nights were chilly. The sun was nowhere in sight throughout the whole day, and the temperature had dropped as soon as 5pm hit.

Now here he was walking in this freezing breeze. But his leather jacket did it for him, so no worries.

He sigh thinking back to his stepmoms. She was getting suspicious, he knew very well she'd started questioning his relationship with jimin. His 'best friend'

The thought of her homophobic ass finding out about them made him shiver in the already cold wind.

Especially because he knows, he's walking on thin ice. After his father died, she's been itching to throw his ass to the curve, satisfying her raging hatred towards him. And his smart mouth always throwing shit at her, doesn't make it better for his benefits.

He's just waiting for it. The moment she throws him out the house. He knows she's just waiting for the right moment, now imagine she finds out he has a boyfriend. Dear, how his time would be cut short.

And he's not quite sure, he's ready to be homeless.

Jungkook exhaled the intoxicating smoke one more time, before spotting the familiar figure sitting on the edge of the bridge.

He took a moment and looked up at the blurry gray sky. God was he tired and the dark circles under his eyes proved that.

Jungkook put out his cigarette stomping on it and made his way towards his lover who happened to have his eyes closed.

He slowly sat down behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist. Jimin bolted up, breathing heavily and after a while putting a hand to his beating heart.

"Sorry love" jungkook whispered in Jimin's neck, face muffled in the warmth. Loving the smell of peaches and cream.

"S'okay. I'm glad your here." Jimin let a tired sigh out, resting his head back on jungkook's shoulder.

"Sorry I'm late, I couldn't find my leather jacket." Jungkook tiredly let out pressing small kisses to Jimin's pale neck.

Jimin chuckled "When can you find that old thing." Jungkook scoffed, "Jimmie's not old, he's vintage. There's a difference."

Jimin raised an eyebrow tho his lover could not see it. Considering the fact that he was behind him, back hugging him.

"Darling, I'm pretty sure that's the same thing. And god, you still call it that god awful name." Jimin shook his head amused.

"Shut up." Jungkook mumbled slightly biting Jimin's neck.

"But I was also late because she stopped me, today." Jimin frowned.

"Little bitch." He mumbled under his breath, which jungkook still heard. Making him giggle at his lover's irritation.

Jimin wasn't mad at jungkook for being late to their weekly meet at the yellow bridge. Which is the only time they can properly spend time together, without being caught by jungkook's stepmom or jimin's mom. Who were both raging homophobes.

They couldn't spend time together at school either, since they were both high school drop out's. He wasn't mad at his boyfriend, he was mad at his boyfriend's dumbass stepmother. God how much he hated that women, not more then jungkook of course.

But she was still up there, all right.

Jungkook turned jimin around, so they were face to face, leg's open.

"Don't worry chim, by next year we'll have enough money saved to get out of here. We just have to wait a little longer." He reassured holding Jimin's puffed out cheeks. Jimin nodded agreeing and understanding.

"I love you"

Jimin's frown disappeared and his eyes immediately softened.

"I love you too, baby." Jungkook smiled at Jimin's words and leaned in, capturing his cold lip's in his.

They had absolutely no idea what life had in store for them, but they sure as hell where planning on sticking around to find out together.

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