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Inspired by (Beach bunny's)
/Cloud 9\ 🌫


Jungkook walked up the stairs of him and Jimin's apartment, almost tripping over his own feet in the process.

He was exhausted, last night he barely got 3 hours of sleep. It's been like that the last couple weeks.

His hand reaches inside his jacket for his key. While his droopy eyes closed for five seconds, hand still in pocket.

He eventually opened them again, and sigh before he tiredly opened his door. He walked inside immediately being hit with the smell of coffee. He took off his shoes and headed towards the living room.

As expected jimin was sat on the couch, blanket up to his waist. Tv on volume low, coffee mug on coffee table, as well as his feet. And his laptop on his lap, glasses sitting comfortably on the bridge of his nose.

Jimin turned his head at the sudden sounds, and smiled. He moved his laptop aside as well as his glasses, and opened his arms for his tired boyfriend.

Jungkook slightly returned the smile before throwing himself onto Jimin's awaiting arms. He immediately let out a sigh of satisfaction at the familiar smell that is park jimin.

"How was work today" jimin asked against jungkook forehead which he was currently kissing.

"The usual, rehearsed 5 different dances today. Next week we'll have an inspector come in, so they need to perfect the new choreography. Which they kept messing up. I actually had to keep some of them back." Jungkook tiredly mumbled face buried in Jimin's stomach.

Jimin sigh running his hand through his lovers soft locks. "You barely got any sleep yesterday jungkook, I don't think you should go to work tomorrow, stay and re-" jungkook cut him off with a small 'no'

Jimin frowned sighing once again. Jungkook was stubborn, that jimin knew. He just wished he'd listen for once.

Unlike jungkook jimin worked from home, he was a consultant. While jungkook was a dance teacher.

Jimin had talked to him multiple times about him taking virtual instead. But he refused every time.

Jungkook knows how much dancing means to his students, and he knows the struggles some of them are going through right now. He isn't gonna start doing his classes virtual, and make it 10 times harder for them. Especially because he knows a lot of them learn the dances better face to face, with his help and guidance. And that going to dance practice is an escape for a lot of them.

It doesn't matter how tired he is, he'll keep pushing.

Jimin brought jungkook's face that was buried in his stomach to face his. He pressed his forehead against his and frowned at jungkook's eye bags that seemed to have gotten darker the pass two days.

Jungkook brought his hand to Jimin's cheek and caressed it. He leaned in and kissed Jimin's lips, the older immediately responding back.

His hands went around jungkook's waist as he tilted his head and deepened the kiss.

Jungkook hummed into the kiss, droopy eyes almost closing. Until he felt a salty taste on his lips and he slightly pulled away licking them in the process.

His heart broke at the sight of his boyfriend with tears running down his face. He immediately cupped his cheeks, bringing him impossibly close.

"What's wrong" he whispered barely hearable.

"I'm so worried about you..." Jimin's voice cracked after he finished his sentence, a silent sob forcing its way out.

Jungkook smiled, his visibly tired eyes wrinkling. "You don't have to worry baby. . . I may be tired but I still come home everyday. You still see me, and see it with your own two eyes that I'm okay. Tired but okay."

He pressed a kiss to Jimin's now red nose, and another kiss to his lips.

"Yeah but. . .what if one day you collapse on me. I wouldn't know jungkook, I'd be here completely oblivious, while your over there. And you—you could get hurt and I-I—"

Another sob broke out of Jimin's throat this time louder.

"Hey hey hey" He panicked quickly bringing jimin into his arms letting him silently cry in the crook of his neck. His hands instantly went under Jimin's black hoodie, rubbing shooting motions against his waist.

"Jimin nothing's gonna happen to me, I just need a good rest and I'll be as good as new." He whispered in his ear.

Jimin pulled his face away from jungkook's neck, arms still around each other.

"Then take Tomorrow off, please kook. I'm not asking you to go virtual or any of that shit. Baby I'm just asking you for one single day off, so you can rest and so my worries can go down a bit, knowing you got plenty of sleep and rest the day before you went back to work."

Jimin laid down on the couch bringing jungkook down with him.

Jungkook stared down at his boyfriend, wiping the stains of tears on his cheeks. Jimin's hands went around jungkook's neck, bringing him closer and resting his forehead against his.

"I'm sure your students will understand" jimin whispered. After a while jungkook nodded his head against Jimin's forehead. "Okay" he whispered back.

His boyfriend instantly smiled, but it fell in seconds and a look of panic came in. "I was supposed to take a 15 minutes break FUCK!" Jimin softly pulled jungkook away, sitting up and immediately grabbing his laptop and putting his feet up again but not before taking a sip of his coffee.

Jungkook laughed "Thank you love for listening, and please go to sleep. You look like a walking dead" jimin spoke eyes never leaving his laptop, as he put his glasses back on. Jungkook chuckled at Jimin's words.

"I'll be more then happy to go to sleep, I expect you there as soon as your done." He went over and kissed Jimin's neck who hummed in response.

Jungkook took his leave and slowly walked upstairs. Once he reached their shared bedroom, he threw himself on the king sized bed and sigh in satisfaction.

God he needed this, he really needed this. He got comfortable and ready to sleep.

But he couldn't. . . He tossed and turned, and tossed and turned. His tired eyes just couldn't seem to close, and he knew why.

So he waited for about an hour, until he felt Jimin's arms wrap around him.

He turned around and smiled at his already smiling boyfriend. He kissed his forehead "you done" he whispered tiredly, jimin hummed closing his eyes.

Jungkook wrapped one arm around Jimin's waist, and the other went under his own head.

It was 5PM and they were sleeping, but it didn't matter. Jungkook was that tired, and who was jimin to refuse a cuddle with his boyfriend.

So just like that they drifted into a much needed sleep in each other's arms.

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