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Inspired by (He is We)
/Pardon Me\🦋

I am indeed getting ready for hot girl summer😌💅

Also Stream butter bitches👺🥞🧈

"I don't wanna see you" jungkook's smile slightly dropped.

"W-wha-" Jimin sigh.

"I'm sure you heard me the first time jungkook. I don't wanna see you." Jungkook reached out and grasped Jimin's hands with his. Which were no longer as small as they used to be.

"But baby I-I'm back" Jimin harshly pulled them away.

"Yeah! After five fucking years jungkook. . .Five years...." His voiced trailed off trembling.

They were young and in love. Not the kind of love old people look at and think 'That's gonna end soon' I mean they weren't wrong was real love. Felt love.

They had dreams they wished to reach, and they promised each other together they'd do it together. They promised each other the world.

They didn't do it together tho..

He didn't take him with him.

He left him.


He ignored him.

He didn't contact him.

He erased all memory of him.

"You expected me to wait for you after what you put me through. After you left." Jimin's eyes started watering as he took a step back.

"Jimin, you know I-I had to. Jimin baby" at this point jungkook's voice was also shaking as he once again tried to reach out for Jimin's hands who once again took a step back.

"I had a dream jimin I wanted to become a singer, you knew that. I told you to wait baby, I'd come back for you. I had to concentrate on my career. And now look at me." He smiled. "I'm the big star I wanted to be—"

"You told me together." Jimin let his tears fall.

"Y-you told me you wanted me there for the ride. But you left, and broke me. You could've called just once. Texted just once, Jesus jungkook even a fucking letter. I just needed something. You thought of me as a distraction, me the person you claimed to love so much.

I would've watched you become the person you wanted to become, I would've and could've stood by you. Together. But you left me behind. You left me behind jungkook. For five years, five fucking years. You ghost me and then expect me to wait for you and welcome you with open arms?

Things don't work like that. I finished college, I got my degree. I moved in on my own. I got a good paying job. Where were you for any of that. I supported your dreams jeon, if you hadn't left me behind I would've been there for every accomplishment you made as a world wide singer now known by the whole country.

The infamous Jeon Jungkook, millionaire pop star that started from scratch and build his way up in the industry alone. But they don't know about me right? They don't know about the person who would fall asleep in your arms every night. The person you left without saying a word to, the person you ignored and left broken crying on his bedroom floor.

The person who ran barefoot to the rundown apartment you called home. Looking and yelling for you. Hoping it wasn't true what you had texted. That you had left, and that you did. I was broken, I fell into depression jungkook. A really bad one.

I wouldn't get out of bed, wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, wouldn't shower. All I did was call a number that couldn't be reached anymore over and over again hoping one day I'd hear your voice in the other line. You completely disconnected yourself from me. And broke me in half, like I was shattered pieces of glass you refuse to touch in order to not cut yourself.

But no worries anymore. Because I met someone who picked up those pieces for me, and worked hard to put them back together. And that person wasn't you. I have a lover now, his names juwon and I'm glad to say that I'm finally happy. I couldn't wait for you after that. Actually I did wait, considering the fact that I finally got 'Forget it jimin he's not coming back' engraved into my head a year ago after I met the now love of my life.

But now here you are, standing in front of me." Jimin wiped the tears that had fallen and smiled. A genuine calm smile. No hatred or anger. Just peace. He's found his peace.

"But I've moved on, so don't let me hold you back. I'm waiting no more. Be happy. You've reached your dream you have millions of fans that love you for you. You have a supportive mother that's been with you every step of the way. Live your life, and I'll live mine. Good bye jungkookie, please don't look for me again. I've moved on and so should you."

Jimin smiled once again at a sobbing jungkook. He stepped forward and took a hold of jungkook's cheeks. He brought his forehead to his lips and gave him a tender kiss.

Jungkook gripped Jimin's shirt as he held his head down an endless river of tears falling onto the concrete. The silence of the night giving a comfortable vibe.

Jungkook closed his eyes at the tender feel of plump lips being pressed to his forehead.

Jimin pulled back and dried jungkook's tears. "I only wish for you the best. This is goodbye old love." A small tear fell from his eye as he nodded his head at him.

And just like that he was turning around and walking away the loud sound of his footsteps disappearing into the night.

Jungkook looked up at the star filled sky and let out a shaky breath.

He had left him.

And he was waiting no more.

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