"The Dark Clinic"

Start from the beginning

'Enmity? I hate 'im! Er. Hated. Him actin' like he smells like roses when he's rollin' in mud!'

he cried out in anger, apollo tried his best to follow up

'Excuse me?'

'He's the only doctor at that clinic, you know. Pretty impressive, eh? I'll tell you the secret to his success... The mob!'

he muttered to him, apollo quickly made the connection

'You mean... the Kitaki Family?'

he nodded

'They're always having one of them "turf wars" or whatnot. Always an injury or two that needs fixing. Meraktis saw a chance for some business. So he started giving the Kitaki Family a good deal...'

'A deal...?'

apollo asked him, quickly taking out his notebook as he tried to write down everyhting

'Every fifth operation for free! He stole the idea from my pops! One free bowl of noodles a week, he used to say'

'Can a doctor just decide to do that? What about the insurance companies...?'

she asked, not understanding

'Oh, no doubt it's illegal. But, it got him in good with the Family. Pretty soon he was getting all the business in town. Leavin' me here, in the dark! Up t'my neck in soupy noodles!'

he grumbled bitterly

"I think I've figured out Mr. Eldoon's former occupation..."

he then felt a little nudge at his ribs

'Can't hurt to ask, Apollo!'

apollo took his best shot and asked

'Mr. Eldoon... or should I say "Dr. Eldoon"...'

he asked a little nervously, hoping he wasn't gonna piss him off, luckily, he didn't, he just looked up at him with honest eyes with his usual scowl expression

'Figured it out, did ya? That's right, I was a doctor. A surgeon... until the year before last'

'So Mr. Meraktis was your rival?'

she asked 

'...You like those onions they put in the soup broth?'

he asked, apollo wasn't sure on where this was going, but he slowly nodded his head

'Um, yeah, kind of'

'You take a spoon, you drink some broth... Those onions will find their way in there. For people who like 'em, why that's just fine. For people who hate 'em... ...I hate onions. Hate 'em! Always sneaking in from the side, gettin' in the way of a good tastin' spoonful. Well, that's what he was. An onion! Onion-boy, that's what I called 'im'

'So... you weren't exactly friends'

apollo said slowly, pretending as those he had followed up on all of that

'Hah! Me 'n Pal Meraktis... Ever since pre-school we were getting in each other's face. No matter what I did, sure enough, he'd come followin' along. Then he'd do it better than me. Just blow right past without so much as a "howdy"'

'...I see'

'That's right! I was a surgeon long before he was, you know. Then that no-good onion-boy comes along...'

he spoke in such venom you would've thought he was a snake

'Well, Trucy, looks like we found ourselves a new suspect'

he said jokingly, trucy however, didn't think it was funny

'Don't say that!'

she said in a scowling tone, eldoon went on as though nothing had happened

'Thanks to him, I was forced to trade in my scalpel for a ladle! ...Sorry, pal. Didn't mean to weigh you down with an old man's ramblings'

'No, it's fine'

apollo said

'By way of apology... You ever get yourself in a spot of trouble, you drop by'


eldoon crossed his arms at him

'You're investigating Meraktis, aren't ya?'


he said a little confused as to why he was asking

'Well, you want to know about a doctor, you ask a doctor. That's all I'm sayin'. You just think of me if you need something, Trucy-doll.'

'Right! Thanks, Mr. Eldoon!'

"Hmm. I guess the time spent listening to him complain wasn't entirely wasted"

after speaking with eldoon, the two headed their way towards the clinic, however, the guard immediately stopped them

'No harm in asking! Um, excuse me!'

she called out polietly, however, the guard quickly shot her down

'Hey, it's you two from yesterday!'

"That's the same officer that was standing out by the park yesterday!"

now apollo was feeling even more grim about their chances being let inside, it only ever happened when ema, or that klavier guy let them in

'Your business is over in the park, isn't it? The clinic's off limits. It's not involved'

he stated strictly, however, trucy wasn't giving in


'What part of "off limits" do you not understand? Show me proof that the clinic is connected to the incident in the park, or beat it'

turcy glared and pouted once at him before stomping off, apollo had to give it to her, at least she had the guts to do something like that

"No harm in asking... No gain either. No point in sticking around here, I guess"

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