47. Unspoken words.

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~ Pov Louis ~ 

I thought everything was going to be so much more difficult. The divorce between my parents, my father's cancer and the surgeries he would have to go through, the final exams this year... But it was anything but difficult. It was possibly the best week I've ever had.

When I get home I hear silence and feel the pleasant peace, instead of screaming voices and shards falling to the floor. My father's surgery had gone well, so after we heard the good news, a big burden fell off my shoulders.

I feel like I've lived for the first time. Like I can finally breathe after being choked for a long time. And I can only thank one person for that. Harry.

That reminds me that so much has happened in the past year. If you had told me at the beginning of the school year that I would be at this point in my life now, here, I would never have believed it. And although there were many painful, difficult situations and choices in between, I wouldn't change anything. Because it wouldn't get me to where I am now.

Tomorrow is the last day of the school year. And to be honest, I'm really looking forward to it. My mom and I are going on a trip, she told me we deserved it after this year. I can't blame her. My father will soon be allowed to leave the hospital, he'll have to go back often for checkups. But he's all set for a fresh start. And so am I. He has an apartment in mind and I'll spend a few weeks there during the holidays. A few weeks ago I would shiver at the thought of weeks alone with my father. But now I'm looking forward to it. We're starting all over again.

And while there's nothing official between me and Harry yet, I'm sure we'll see each other often over those two months. By the way, we have already made plans to go camping together. Harry had even asked Niall and Liam to come along. He's been hanging out with Ash and Luke less for the past few days. He usually comes with me to Liam and Niall. And strangely, they get along pretty well. Even Mel and Zayn get on well with them.

I know Zayn and I had our disagreements in the beginning, but things change, don't they?

And Jason... I haven't spoken to him in a while. Not since the hospital. I don't dare to face him. Which is cowardly, I know. But how do I tell him I chose Harry? I don't want to drop him, that's probably why I'm standing in front of his door now.

I bite my lip when I ring the doorbell and hold my breath when he opens the door and stands in front of me. I give a short smile.

"Hey." He nods briefly.

"I haven't seen you in a while." I look at the ground.

"I know. I'm sorry." He sighs and leans against the door frame.

"It's okay. I understand. You had a lot on your mind." I shake my head.

"I can't use that as an excuse." He looks at me.

"You chose him, didn't you? I can see it in your eyes." I frown.

"How can you see that? Oh my god, please tell me I didn't leave my window-"

He shakes his head, laughing. "No. Your window was closed."

He walks out past me and sits on the wall. I'm sitting next to him. "You look happy, Louis. I've always seen that spark of life in your eyes, but now it's in your entire body." I smile weakly.


"For what? Because you followed your heart?" I shrug my shoulders.

"Because my feelings for him are stronger than-"

"Than what's going on between us?" I nod.

"Jason, I'm sincere when I say you changed a part of me, you were there for me when I needed someone. And I don't want to lose you."

He smiles. "Louis, you haven't lost me. I'm really not going to let you down because I'm not the one you chose. I mean it when I say I'm happy for you. You look good, happy." I smile.

"Thank you."

Jason nods to something behind me. "Your boyfriend is here." I turn around to see Harry walking into the garden. I turn back to Jason.

"He's not my boyfriend." I grin.

"Yet." Jason smiles and greets Harry with a simple 'hey'.

Harry smiles at him and for the first time I feel like it's real. He turns his attention back to me. "Are you ready?" Jason looks up.

"What are you going to do?" I also look up, confused.

"Yes, what are we going to do?" He shrugs, hiding his smile.

"That's a surprise." I can feel the corners of my mouth curling up. Jason raises his eyebrows at me.

"A surprise? Sounds fancy. I'd go if I were you." I smile at him.

"I'll see you later." He nods and turns to Harry.

"Take good care of him." Harry nods with a small smile.

"I will."

I intertwine my fingers with Harry's when we walk up the street. It has already become a habit. "So what's that surprise?"

"We're going to the beach. And if we're on time we can still see the sunset." I raise my eyebrows at him.

"Sunset? I didn't know you had a romantic side."

"Everyone has their secrets." I smile and rest my head on his shoulder. I close my eyes as we walk on. A thought suddenly crosses my mind.

"Promise me you're not going to break my heart."

"I promise."

Harry suddenly stops his stride. I look at him. "Is there something wrong?" He shakes his head with a smile. My hands rest in his.

"Louis I..." He smiles and I know what he means. I press my lips briefly to his in response to his unspoken words.

If only I had known there were so many more unspoken words hidden in him...


Oehh... Last chapter is comming...

Heartbreaker ~ Larry Stylinson {English}Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora