1. Cliché story.

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~ Pov Harry ~ 

I take a puff of my cigarette and blow the smoke out in Zayn's face. He doesn't move at all and takes his piercing between his lips. Mel sits next to me and looks all of us in the eye with a stupid smirk. And I already know what she's going to ask...

"So boys," she sighs as she looks around the schoolground. Today is the first day back at school. Two years to go and we're done with high school. I can't wait to get out of this place. All the learning and the whining of those fucking teachers isn't my style. Partying, alcohol and sex. That's more like it.

"So what?," Luke asks irritated. Mel strokes her brown hair behind her ears and her tattoos catches my eyes. "So what is the bet going to be this year? And for who?" I knew it. Every year we do a bet so we don't get bored at school. The first year Ash had to steal the exam questions. The second year it was Luke's turn, he made a little fire in the building. It sounds worse than it actually was. Than the third year Mel fucked a virgin in the first grade. And last year Zayn had sex with a teacher. We never got caught but everybody knows we're having those bets. And I guess now it's my turn.

Everyone stares at me and I groan. "What's the idea for my bet?" Zayn puts his cigarette between his lips, takes a puff and gives it to Mel who does the same. Ash starts to laugh a little when he looks at a group on the schoolground. And when I see the group, I recognize them. Louis, Niall and Liam. They're not popular but it's not like they belong to the losers. I don't get why Ash laughs though.

"Dude what's your fucking problem?," I hiss. "You haven't heard it yet?" I frown. What is he talking about? "Louis came out this summer. He's gay." My mouth slightly drops open. "He's what?" Zayn rolls with his eyes. "Gay. G-a-y. Homo, a faggot."

I turn around and look at Louis who is talking with his friends. He has black pants on, an adidas sweatshirt and vans. His hair has gel in it and he doesn't look... Gay. At all. I have known Louis for a long time now. We were best friends when we were younger. But we grew apart when I chose different friends and a different life. I guess that's the main reason why we aren't talking anymore. We do see each other once a week outside school. Although we are ignoring each other, our parents are still good friends. We have these dinners with Louis and his parents. And we both hate it.

When I look at Zayn he's smirking. "What?" He shakes his head, still with that smirk. "I think I have an idea for the bet..." I bite my lip, a little nervous. "What is it?" "It's brilliant." I get irritated and jump of the table I was sitting on. I stand in front of him but he doesn't see it as a threat. Of course he doesn't. He knows that I won't do shit to him.

"What is the bet going to be?," I repeat. "Everybody knows that Louis is still a virgin. And since he is out of the closet you are going to take that away from him. Your bet is to get him to sleep with you. And dump him like trash afterwards of course. It's all about the heartbreak, Harry. "

I look at him. Surprised and angry at the same time. He can't be serious, right? He can't ask that from me. No way I'm going to do that! Things between Louis and me are weird and awkward enough. Louis knows I can't stand him and he doesn't want to be friends with me either. So there is no way that he will have sex with me. Hell, I'm not even gay and don't want to do this so why should I? Because of a stupide bet? I didn't think so!

"Are you out of your freaking mind?," I scream at them. But they just look at me like they asked me the simplest thing in the world. "You cannot ask this of me. I know I once slept with a boy when I was drunk but that doesn't make me attracted to boys. And it certainly doesn't mean I'm going to fuck Louis! We've known each other for so long and- No! No! That's just weird. I'm not doing this." Zayn shrugs. "But that one time does give you the perfect experience for all the things that you're going to do with him..." "You're out of your mind, Zayn. You're all crazy!," I laugh ironically.

He takes a step in my direction. "You would be the first one to not accept the bet..." I think for a moment. I don't want to be the loser of the group who doesn't dare anything. I look at them, biting my bottom lip. "How much money will I get?" Zayn looks at the group and then towards me. "500 euros." Fuck... That's a lot. I could really use it now the company of my parents isn't doing well. I mean... It's one year, right? One year to convince Louis to have sex with me. It will be over before I know. And Louis will never know it was a bet. It will just be like his first heartbreak, nothing he can't survive.

I look at Zayn who is sticking his hand out. "Deal?" I shake his hand and nod. "Deal."

~ Pov Louis ~ 

I wait patiently behind my desk until all students are in the classroom. Liam and Niall are sitting in front of me. They look at me with a smirk when a boy with blond hair walks in. "And?," Niall asks. "Is he your type?" I shake my head laughing. "No he isn't. He's cute but no, he's not my type." "God," Liam sighs. "I'll have to get used to this, that from now on we'll have to look for boys for you. What is your type actually?"

I think for a moment. I haven't really thought about that. "I think- Someone who cares about me and loves me. I want to fall in love with his personality and not with his looks or where he comes from. I like it when a boy loves me but is afraid to show it, it's cute. I want to be on his mind every day, so much that I will drive him crazy. I just want love and passion. Adventure, something different, something new. Someone that will blow my mind away..."Liam looks at me with his brows up. A smile creeps on his face. "You want a bad boy, don't you?" I shake my head immediately. "No! No I don't want that!" Niall also looks at me. "Admit it Louis. You want a bad boy that will turn good for you because he loves you and is willing to do anything for you. You want that passion and adventure, you said it yourself. And who can give you that better than a bad boy surrounded by danger?"

No, I really don't want that. That's not what I meant. "Guys, I'm serious. I don't want that. That's not what I'm looking for. I don't want to date a boy who's rude. That will be so much drama with so much questions. Will he love me or not? Is he honest or not? Is he using me or not? I don't want that. I don't want to be that boy who falls in love with someone who doesn't love me back. Because what do you have left? No virginity and no boyfriend."

Niall laughs. "I didn't know you were so cliché." "It isn't cliché. It's staying true to yourself. Falling in love with a bad boy, that is cliché. That is the cliché story and I don't want to be a character in that story, never."

Liam and Niall turn around when the teacher walks in. I take my books and lay them down on the desk. A boy with long, brown, curly hair stands next to me. And when I look into his green eyes I sigh. "Harry." He sits down next to me and has his stupid smirk on his face. "Do you have to sit here?" He shrugs and in the meantime Mel comes to sit behind us. She gives me a small smile. "I sit where I want to sit, Louis." I roll with my eyes.

I don't like Harry. Not anymore. I pretty much hate him and his whole group of friends. They have those ugly tattoos and their face is full of piercings. They sleep with every person they meet and bully younger students just because they have the power to do it. They party every night and drink until they drop. Literally. The only reason why he hasn't done anything to me yet is probably because our parents are good friends. But we? We stopped talking to each other a long time ago.

"I don't know if you already know but my parents are coming over tonight for dinner. And as always I'm coming with them so maybe you should hide all your posters with naked boys on it." Seriously? Do they have to have dinner with us again? It's not like I don't like his parents. They are lovely, although I noticed there is some more tension between them lately... But it's Harry I can't stand.

"Just shut up. I'm trying to pay attention," I his and look towards the board with all the math formulas. "You don't have to act so tough, Louis." I almost feel his lips against my ear when he comes closer to me. I shiver a little bit but try to hide it. "I know you're still a virgin," he whispers. "And I'd really like to change that..." I look at him with wide eyes. What the hell is trying to do? Make me feel uncomfortable? Because it's working!

"Don't worry," he says as he points his finger between us. "Our secret."  


Hi hi! This is the first chapter of my story 'Heartbreaker'. It's originally written in Dutch, but because of some requests, I'm trying to translate it to English. This is not my first language so if you find any mistakes, I'm happy to correct them!

I really hope you enjoy the story :)

All the love x

Heartbreaker ~ Larry Stylinson {English}Where stories live. Discover now