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Songs for this chapter:

Color me blue - Akane

To build a home - The Cinematic Orchestra

~ Pov Louis ~ 

The sun burns on my skin. My eyes are closed and I see small spots of light in the dark. I rest my head against the frame of my window. A gentle breeze blows through my hair and the sound of birds gives a soothing feeling. Occasionally a car passes that disturbs the peace for a few seconds. It is the first week of the summer holidays, but it has not really started very well. A few days after the proclamation, Harry and I argued. I haven't spoken to him since then.

~ Flashback to 2 days ago ~

"You are what?" I ask in disbelief to Harry who is almost bouncing up and down with happiness.

"I got into the one university I wanted to go to! I made it!" His happiness is endless, but I'm slowly starting to feel heavy. I'm glad he was admitted and if it had been at the door, I would have jumped just as high with him. But that's the problem. It's not close, it's not even in this country. It's thousands of miles away. Away, away from me.

"So you're leaving," I conclude.

"I'm going abroad. How wonderful is that?" Again, he doesn't seem to understand what's about to happen.

"So you leave me behind." His smile disappears.

"What? Louis-"

"That's what it means, isn't it?" I look at him. Tears almost well up in my eyes at the thought of losing him.

"No, not at all. Where did you get that from?" I shrug.

"We've already had this discussion."

"That wasn't a discussion at all. It was just you deciding that I can't have a relationship with you if I go abroad, which is bullshit."

"Why is that bullshit?"

"Louis, look at all the shit we've been through. A few thousand miles is nothing compared to that! We've been through a lot of bad luck, this is nothing compared to it," he takes a few steps towards me.

"That's right, Harry. Haven't we had enough misfortunes already? Can't we just enjoy what we have, that we have each other?" I say, trying to touch him with my hand, but he dodges it.

"You call my good fortune a misfortune?" He sounds disappointed. I sigh and refuse to have put it that way.

"I just mean- I've lost you before. I don't want that to happen again." He allows me to close the distance between us again and puts his hands on either side of my face.

"But Louis, you're not going to lose me. I love you." I lean towards his touch.

"I love you too, but-"

"No, Louis. No buts. You either love me or you don't. There are no conditions attached. I'm going abroad, period. You're not going to change my mind about that. I really love you, Louis. But if I give up my studies to stay with you, that would be really toxic and believe me if that's the case then it's better we're not together." He shakes his head as he sighs. He is disappointed.


"No. I'm leaving the day after tomorrow-"

"So soon? Harry-"

"No, let me finish." I fall silent, my heart too. "I'm leaving the day after tomorrow. If it's up to me nothing will change about us, but if you're convinced we'd better break up because I'm going abroad-" He shakes his head. "I understand it's not going to be easy, believe me, I know that. But I want to give it 100%, together with you. And if you' still want that too... Please come see me. I'll give you some time to let it sink in, but if I don't hear from you again... Then I know I have my answer."

Heartbreaker ~ Larry Stylinson {English}Where stories live. Discover now