19. The one.

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~ Pov Louis ~ 

The next morning I walk towards Niall and Liam just before the bell is about the ring. "Thank God! You're okay," Liam sighs relieved, but his and Niall's expression immediately changes when they see me from up close. "Oh my god! What happened to you?," Niall squeaks as he softly touches the wounds on my face. I shrug. "Had a bit of a fight with Zayn yesterday. Nothing bad." "Nothing bad? Look at your face! Niall and I were worried about you yesterday when you didn't answer your phone and it turns out we had the right to be." "I'm sorry I didn't call you guys back. I just needed some time." Liam sighs. "What was that fight about anyway? Harry?" I bite my lip. "Something like that, yes." He shakes his head. "Louis, when are you going to realise that Harry has a bad influence on you?" "He doesn't," I say a little bit offended. "Than where were you when you skipped class yesterday?" I swallow. "I was at the park." "Who was with you?" "No one." "Who was with you, Louis?" I look down. "Harry." Liam throws his arms in the air with a little laugh. "Of course! Of course it's Harry you were with! Louis, you've never skipped a class in your entire life. You're the perfect student. And now that Harry is suddenly in your life again, everything is a mess! He's trouble and you know it. That boy doesn't care about you. He's going to hurt you."

"You say that because you don't know him. He's changed. And yesterday-" I stop myself. Niall frowns. "Yesterday what?" I keep quiet. "Louis?," Liam asks, "what did you do yesterday?" "We kissed. We did more than kissing and it felt alright. It felt good." Liam laughs ironically again. "Oh my god! Don't you think this is stupid? Harry kisses you, claiming he wants to be friends and that it was wrong of him to do that. Than you become friends, but he keeps kissing you and even takes it further? Don't you see it?" "See what?" "That he is using you for God sake!"

I shake my head. "He isn't." "Then how do you explain his behaviour?" I shrug. "I guess he's just trying to figure things out. So am I." "Do you have feelings for him? Be honest." "No! No, I don't." "Than why do you keep letting him kiss you?" "Because it feels amazing. It gives me confidence that someone wants to do that with me. And it gives me experience for when I meet the one." "If you meet the one you should give him the honour to do all these things with you. Not Harry. He doesn't deserve that." I shake my head. "Why are you being like this?" "Because I care about you, Louis!" "Yeah and I care about you too," I sigh, "but I can make my decisions on my own. I can decide for myself what's good or bad for me." "You can't! You're so blind, Louis!"

"I'm sorry?," I ask indignantly. "You really can't see what he's doing? He's playing a game with you. He doesn't care about you, he's just using you." "Bullshit," I hiss, "Harry has changed. You've never even known him. I've known him for my entire life so don't say these things if you have no clue who he is." Liam throws his hands in the air and then runs them through his hair in frustration. "Do you even hear yourself? You're talking about him like he's a good guy." "He is! If you would just give him a chance-" Liam shakes his head and stops me. "You know what? I don't care what you do or do not do with him. But don't come crying to me when it all ends up bad. Because I won't be the one to comfort you. I've warned you enough..."

With those as his last words he walks away. "Liam!," I try to call after him but he ignores me completely. Niall sighs and puts a hand on my shoulder. "It won't make a difference, Louis. You know Liam. He's stubborn. But you do realize he's doing this because he wants to protect you, right? He cares about you. Only this is his way of showing it." I nod. "I know. I just wish he would understand my choice and support me, but instead he turns his back on me."

Niall puts his arm around me while we walk towards class. "I don't get your choice either, but I support you." "Thanks." "Liam does have a point though. Harry is and stays Harry and I have a feeling this won't end well. So please, stop this. I'm not saying you should stop the friendship, that would be selfish, but don't kiss him if you know that he doesn't feel anything for you and you for him. You'll both end up getting hurt." "But I-" "I get you like how he makes you feel. But how many times did he make you feel bad in this short time?" I look down. He does got a point. "All the good things shouldn't make up for the bad. You deserve better than that. And besides it's okay to be inexperienced. You don't have to have a relationship when you're in high school, lose your virginity, have your first kiss, experience heartbreak to feel alive or have an epic love by the end of college to be normal. It's not because society has set that standard that you have to live up to it. Just be you. Live. And what needs to happen, will happen. But don't wait on it. Because waiting can be boring."

Can I quit? Can I quit him?

"Okay. I'll end it. For you guys."


"I promise."

~ Pov Harry ~

I put my hands into my pockets after everyone saw the video of yesterday. I kind of feel uncomfortable with them seeing what happened, because it was a lot more than just a kiss. Ash was again excited while Mel was clearly upset with it. Luke on the other hand thought it was boring and Zayn... With him I still have got something to deal with...

So when the bell rings and everyone is gone except for me and Zayn, I decide to push him roughly against the wall. "What the fuck were you thinking yesterday?," I hiss at him but he just laughs. "Do you mind that I touched Louis? That I hurt him? He sure looks good with the black eye, don't you think?" I shove him harder against the wall. "You almost betrayed me! Why? It would've ruined the bet." He looks at my lips shortly before answering with a smirk: "It's all to easy for you Harry." "Easy?," I spit, "do you think it's easy for me to kiss him? To touch him?" He shrugs. "I don't know. On the footage it doesn't look that hard for you." I bite my bottom lip roughly. "Fuck you, Zayn. Fuck you."

"Why don't you do that with Louis?," he winks. That's the moment I hit him in the face with my fist. Blood drips from his nose on his shirt. I let him go and take a few steps back. "Stop with sabotaging me. It isn't part of the bet," I hiss, "you're my best friend so don't make me do this again."

With a last warning I walk away and take out my phone. I look for Louis' number and text him. I have to blow of some steam.

Harry: Do you have time after school?

Louis: Maybe. What do you need?


Harry: Come over to my house after your last period.

Louis: I have to go home to ask my parents first.

Harry: Can't you just call them?

Louis: I forgot my phone at home. I can't call them.

I chuckle for a moment.

Harry: You forgot your phone? Than how are you texting me right now?

Louis: Oh...

Harry: If you don't want to come, just say so.

Louis: No, no. I'll come. We need to talk anyway.

I frown. Talking? About what?

Harry: You know what? Go home after school first and take your swimming trunks with you.

Louis: My swimming trunks?

Harry: You want to talk, I want swimming trunks. Take it or leave it.

Louis: Alright. I'll be there. 


What do you think about Liam's his reaction?

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